Page 11 of Balancing it All

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“Hello? Tiff, you okay?”

Tiffany had managed to calm down long enough to stop crying for more than two minutes. The sound of her best friend’s concerned voice collapsed her brave wall and she dissolved into tears again.

“Oh, no. Tiffany, hon, what’s wrong? Did something happen to you or Lukus?” When Tiff still didn’t answer, Brianna accurately assessed the situation. “You guys had a fight, didn’t you? He’d better not have hurt you. I’ll kick his ass myself if he hurt you.”

Through her hiccups, and starts and stops, Tiff managed to get the words flowing. “It’s not… his… fault. I was… a complete… idiot. He’s gonna… wail on my ass… and then… throw me out. And… I deserve it!” The sobs were so strong, her halting voice gave up on talking.

“Oh come on, now. It can’t be that bad. Something like this was bound to happen, honey. It’s gonna take some time for you guys to figure each other out.”

Brianna patiently waited while her best friend collected herself enough to speak coherently.

Tiff released a heavy sigh before answering. “It’s worse than that. He wants a robot who’ll just follow directions. I know I was stupid, but he actually expects me to shut down my brain and never think again.”

The sound of her best friend laughing upset Tiffany more. Brianna’s response didn’t make her feel any better, either. “You’re exaggerating. Lukus loves how sassy you are. It’s what attracted him to you in the first place. He told you so himself.”

“That was yesterday. Today he told me flat outright that he’ll be doing all of the thinking in this relationship. Period. End of story. I knew he was too good to be true.”

Brianna kept digging for more info. “That doesn’t sound like the Lukus I met.”

“Those were his exact words… well, almost.”

“Maybe, but what happened before he said those words?”

Tiff had called her best friend for comfort, not to be grilled. “Does it matter?”

“Yes, and you know it matters. We all say stupid things sometimes. We all do stupid things sometimes. Look at me. Last week I was the poster child for stupid.”

That brought a snort out of Tiff. “You can say that again.”

“Ouch. You can pull your claws back in. I’m not the enemy here.”

“I know, but I couldn’t resist. I still can’t believe you let Jake touch you again. You’re the luckiest woman on the planet to have found Markus. He’s perfect.”

“Don’t look now, but so is Lukus.”

Tiff gave another unladylike snort, realizing she’d been doing that a lot lately. “I wish.” She sighed. “He sure had us both fooled.”

“What did he do?”

“He lost it. He was dragging me down to the dungeon, where he was going to do God only knows what to me. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

“Why would he do that? What happened?”

“He was mad. I get it. I screwed up, but that doesn’t mean he gets to hurt me, does it?”

“Tiff, honey, he is a Dom. You do realize you are signing up for a BDSM relationship, right? He’s spanked you several times this week, and you didn’t complain before.”

“That was different. Those were fun. Those were part of the play. Tonight was, well, he was different. Out of control. I could tell he really wanted to hurt me. It was the first time he acted like the Master’s Master with me; it scared the shit out of me, Bri. I’m not you. I don’t like pain.”

“Okay, okay. But that doesn’t sound like Lukus. He doesn’t lose control, so if he was out of control, he wasn’t being your Master, he was just being an asshole. What did you do?” Bri asked again.

“Grrr! I called you to help me, not take his side.”

“Calm down. I’m not on his side, Tiff. I’m just trying to put the pieces together here. It’s not adding up. The Lukus I know is calm and methodical, even when he’s angry. Believe me, I know. I’ve made him really angry.”

“No offense, but I’m not sure you’re the best judge of Lukus Mitchell. I think I’ve spent just a little bit more time with him than you have.” The sharp edge of Tiff’s tone could cut glass.
