Page 12 of Balancing it All

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“Wow, no wonder he’s pissed. You’re acting like a real bitch.”

“Screw you, Brianna.”

“No, thanks. Markus just took care of that for me.”

Tiff couldn’t help but chuckle at her friend’s attempt at humor, as crass as it was. It served to lighten the mood again. “Lucky you. I thought you were at some boring charity thingy.”

“We are. We found an out-of-the-way deserted bathroom.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Yes it was—until you and Lukus called,” Bri said.

“What do you mean? Lukus isn’t here.”

Tiffany could hear Bri’s laughter at the other end. “We knew something big had happened. Lukus was calling Markus’s phone at the same time you were calling mine. But, back to the question of the hour. What happened, really?”

“I was stupid, okay? He told me not to go into the club, but I just wanted to take a peek. I was curious, you know? I didn’t expect the world’s most dangerous Dom to be there, or that he would hit on me, and that the whole club would stop and watch us like we were center stage.”

“Oh Tiff, you didn’t.” It was not a question. Tiffany could hear her best friend’s disapproval.

“I did. Not my finest hour.”

“And you think Lukus doesn’t deserve to be angry?”

“Of course, he can be angry. He can yell at me like I deserve and we can have a knock-down-drag-out argument about it, but that doesn’t give him the right to drag me to the dungeon to scare the shit out of me.”

“We’ve talked about this,” Bri said. “Lukus has never been in a relationship like this before. He’s going to keep falling back on what he knows when he has to deal with the emotional upheavals he is facing. At least it sounds like he got control before he took it too far.”

“Actually, I have Derek to thank for that. He came up and stopped Lukus from taking me downstairs. They’re out in the living room right now. They sent me back to the bedroom for a time-out, like I’m an eight-year-old or something. How humiliating.”

“Would you rather he’d kept going downstairs?”

“No.” Even as Tiff said it, a cloud of doubt hovered over her. “I guess not.”

“You don’t sound too sure there.”

“I don’t know. What I do know for sure is that I don’t want him to stay mad at me. And more than anything, I know I don’t want what we’ve started to end yet. I really thought…”

Bri finished her sentence for her. “You thought he was the one.”

Tiff sighed, a lump coming to her throat. “Yeah, I so want him to be. I’ve never felt like this before, Bri. It scares me.”

“Does it scare you more than the threat of his punishment?”

Tiff pondered that for a minute. “It’s a toss-up, I guess. I know I don’t want to lose him over something so stupid.”

“Then don’t. You’re both gonna calm down, and then you need to talk about it. Don’t hold back. Tell him how you’re feeling. Make him talk to you, too. It’s what Markus and I are finally doing and I can’t tell you how great it feels. Everything will work out. You’ll see.”


“Not maybe. I’ve seen you guys together. It’s gonna be fine.”

“I hope you’re right, Bri.” A knock on Tiff’s bathroom door interrupted the girls’ conversation. He must still have been mad, because the knock was echoing loudly enough for Brianna to comment on the other end.

“Wow, where are you and why does it sound like he’s about to kick down the door?”

“I’m in the bathroom, the little part where the toilet is.”
