Page 13 of Balancing it All

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Bri sounded disgusted. “Ew. You called me while you’re going to the bathroom? That’s just gross.”

“Will you stop already? I just came in here because it’s the only door that has a lock on it.”

The pounding was back. “Tiffany! Open up. Come on. We need to talk.” The sound of Lukus’s voice brought back her panic.

“Seriously? You felt like you had to put a locked door between you? Holy shit, he really did scare you. You need to tell him, Tiff.”

The pounding continued as Lukus kept trying to open the door. “I don’t think I need to tell him. He is pretty much figuring it out,” Tiff said.

The pounding stopped. “Please, baby. Open up. We need to talk.” He was changing tactics.

“Go away, Lukus! I’m not ready to talk yet.”

“I know that’s not true. You’re talking to Brianna right now. Hang up the phone and open the door.”

“Fine, I’m not ready to talk to you yet. Go away.”

“I’m not leaving. Don’t make me try to find the key. God only knows where I’ve put it.”

Brianna was talking in her ear again. “Tiff, open the door and talk to him. I have to go anyway. I hear Markus outside the door and we’ve been gone a long time from our table.”

“Thanks for listening, Bri. I really don’t know what I’d do without you in my life.”

“You’d be bored, that’s for sure. Go take your lumps. Trust me. Make-up sex can be really awesome.”

“So I’ve heard. Unfortunately, I have to get through the argument first. My ass is not looking forward to that.”

Tiff could now hear Markus close to the phone. “You girls have talked long enough. Time to hang up. Let’s go,” he said.

“We were just hanging up. I’m trying to calm her down. Here, take the phone. You talk to her,” Bri responded.

“Brianna, no! I don’t want to talk to—”

He interrupted her. “So, you snuck into the club and decided to have a run-in with Robinson.”

“Markus. Go ahead. Let me have it. I’m stupid, and I should stop thinking, and just act like a robot, and do exactly, and only, what Lukus tells me to do and—”

He was laughing at her. “Stop. You’re overreacting more than he is. Seriously, you need to hang up the phone and talk to him.”

“Last time I saw him, he wasn’t planning on talking.”

“Well, he is now. I’m hanging up.” And he did.

“How rude,” Tiffany muttered to herself.

The pounding was back. “I can hear you in there. Open the door, Tiff. Please, baby.”

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself, using a few sheets of toilet paper to clean up her smeared make-up. The loud blowing of her nose brought a chuckle from the man on the other side of the locked door. At least he sounded in a better mood.

She was seated on the floor with her back against the far wall of the small room. Taking a deep breath, she reached up to unlock the door and Lukus pressed the door open. The room was tiny, meant only for privacy when using the toilet. It was not meant to be a place to hang out. When Tiffany made no move to get up to leave, he let himself in. Leaning back against the now closed door, he slid down to sit back against the door. Their legs intertwined in a tangled mess in the small space.

“This is an odd place for us to make up.”

Tiff snuck a glance up to see he was smiling. “Is that what we’re going to do?”

“Yep. You’re going to say you’re sorry for not listening and defying me by going to the club without me. Most importantly, you’re going to admit I was right to not want you to go there alone, especially since we haven’t gone through the club rules yet and you weren’t wearing my collar to keep you safe. Then I’m going to say I’m sorry for ‘losing my shit,’ as Derek calls it, and scaring the hell out of you in the process.” Lukus reached out to take her hands in his, linking their fingers as if to start weaving them back together. “I really am sorry, baby. You have to believe me. That’s never happened to me before. I would never hurt you intentionally.”

“I’ve never seen you like that, Lukus. It scared me.”
