Page 16 of Balancing it All

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She was embarrassed by her impromptu comment, but Lukus seemed pleased. “Good girl.”

He set a steady pace with the paddle. It made a loud crack as it connected with her bare bottom. Each smack was not painful on its own. It was after what felt like a solid minute or two of paddling that Tiff could say it was actually starting to hurt. She wiggled her ass, trying to get away from the steady stream of swats, but managed to keep her feet planted firmly on the floor. After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality had been more likely another minute or two, Lukus stopped the onslaught, and set down the lightweight paddle.

He took time to gently caress her back, giving her a minute to regroup before she saw him pick up the next implement. “This, as you know, is a wooden spoon. It’s a heavy duty one. Notice that while the area it connects with is much smaller, it’ll deliver a much deeper sting where it touches.”

He started in on her ass again, this time with much faster strokes. “Oh…”

“A little different, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sir. Not sure I like it.”

“Good. This is a punishment, after all.” His sly smile was not comforting in the least.

“Yes sirrr… ooohhh. That was a really hard one. Ouch!”

Lukus increased the intensity of the spanking, and her bottom felt it. For the first time since he started, she was fighting back tears. Several long minutes later, she lost the fight to not cry. He seemed unbothered by the tears streaming down her face and dripping to the marble below. Only when a sob wracked her body did she notice his clenched jaw. It was her only indication he may not have been enjoying this as much as he’d made out.

He finally stopped the onslaught on her ass long enough to put down the spoon and reach into the drawer, coming out with a large, heavy wooden hairbrush. For the first time, Tiff’s crying eyes showed real fear. Lukus took a minute, caressing her back again to soothe her. He reached for a tissue, and helped her blow her nose before continuing.

With a determined look, he pushed forward. “We’re going to end with the hairbrush. If I do my job right, you’re going to learn to hate this hairbrush.”

“I think I already do,” she whispered.

He must have heard her, because he was losing the battle to hide his smile. “Well, then, I’ll have to make you hate it worse. Let’s get this over with so we can go have dinner.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The first firm strike of the hairbrush had Tiffany standing straight up, rushing to cover her tender ass with both her hands.

Holy shit! That hurts.

“Tiffany, back into position. We aren’t close to done.”

“No way. That’s too much, Lukus. It hurts like a mother… well, it hurts.”

“Yep. Now bend over. Don’t make me get the ropes out. I know you like to be tied down, and I don’t want to ruin that for you by making you associate it with pain.”

What a nice guy. A real prince.

Even as she thought her sassy retort, she felt ashamed. She reminded herself that she was supposed to be feeling sorry right now. She’d entered this relationship with her eyes wide open, knowing Lukus was a hardcore Dom. More importantly, while she may not have liked the pain, she couldn’t deny that each punishment session had brought a deeper intimacy between them.

She cautiously resumed the position. Lukus stepped close, alongside her, holding her body still in a tight grip with his left arm while his right lit into her ass with the heavy implement. He began his lecture. “Why are you being punished, Tiffany?”

She couldn’t form the words through her tears. The strokes were spaced out perfectly to make sure they delivered the most pain possible. The sting just began to wane slightly, when the next butt-blistering swat arrived. She must have been at least a dozen swats in before he repeated himself. “Answer me, baby. Why are you being punished?”

Through a sob, she squeaked out, “I defied you, and went into the club when I shouldn’t have.”

“Yes. That upset me very much, but what was the worst part of you defying me?” The steady stream of loud smacks continued connecting with her ass, and she knew she must have been beet red by now.

“Please… Lukus…”

“I’m ‘Sir’ during a punishment. I’ll add on a few extras to help you remember.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m so sorry, please…” Tiff tried valiantly to pull her body free, but he was holding her too tightly.

“Why else are you being punished?” he went on.

“Because I put myself in danger and embarrassed you in front of club members.”
