Page 19 of Balancing it All

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“So the fact that I had no collar on at all—”

“Meant you were fair game. It’s part of the game that’s played. There is a lot of what to outsiders might look like non-consensual play here, but for those of us who know the rules, we know it is part of the game; the show. Come without a collar, and you’re saying you need to be taken in hand and punished. Believe me, there are plenty of Doms who are more than happy to help.”

The color had left her cheeks. He could tell his words were starting to sink in. He hated the idea of scaring her, but she had to understand the rules for her own safety. Tiffany was getting a little shaky on her feet; he stepped up to wrap her tight against him. They took a minute to let things sink in before she pulled back enough to look up at him, unshed tears threatening to fall. “I am so sorry. I had no idea.”

“I know, but that’s why we can’t just ignore talking about the contract. It is a critical part of being here at the club. I want to know how you’re going to handle a fire play scene, or even a blood play scene.”

“Holy shit. Blood? There could not be anything sexy about blood. Period.”

Lukus wasn’t surprised. “Honestly, it doesn’t float my boat either, but we have quite a few members who are into it, and many clubs don’t allow it. Being on the far edge, it means The Punishment Pit attracts a lot of those members. The play is edgier. It’s often portrayed as non-consensual. An outsider might call the play abusive. The sex… rape.”

“So how do you know it’s not? Who keeps people from crossing the line?”

“Don’t forget, my other business is security, which includes security here at the club. The members themselves self-regulate very well. The Doms are very good at reading their subs, and since most come here as couples, they know each other intimately. But, safewords rule. We have house safewords, and most couples have their own codes for their own play. All play stops immediately. No exceptions.”

“And I was stupid enough to not only go in without a collar, but I have no clue what the club safeword is.” She looked horrified.

“Well, let’s fix that now. You already know yellow and red. Those will work just fine, but we have a universal ‘all stop,’ and that is snowball.”

“Snowball. Odd.”

“That’s why it’s perfect. No one will accidentally say it in the middle of a scene.”

“So how does it work? Is there a show every night?” she asked.

“Most nights. The club is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. On the weekends, we usually do an early and late show. Members can sign up in advance, and we talk about what they are looking for. Some members want to watch their sub being punished by the Master Dom. Others like to participate, or lead the scene. We usually work with them in advance to plan it out.”

“The Master Dom. That means you.”

“Not necessarily. Tonight it’s Derek.”

“Who was it last Thursday?” Tiff asked him.


“The Thursday before that.”


“And before…”

“No need. It’s always been me,” he admitted.


“I met you.”

The surprised look on her face was adorable. “Really?”

“Really. I told you, baby. You’ve rocked my world.”


“No buts.”

“But you are going to miss it, if you haven’t already.”

He hugged her closer. “I’ve been a little too busy to miss anything.”
