Page 20 of Balancing it All

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“Still, don’t you miss doing the show?”

“Not yet, but I do worry I might at some point. Let’s face it. I opened the club because I got off on not only the power exchange play, but also the show aspect of the club, whether I’m in it or just watching.”

“I’m not ready to watch you on stage. And I’m definitely not ready to join you on stage, but why don’t we just go watch tonight’s show? You could be there with me to help me through it.”

“I don’t know, Tiff. Tonight’s show is gonna be pretty edgy,” he warned her.

“How about tomorrow night? Or the next night?”

“Edgier, and the edgiest.”

“So tonight it is,” she said firmly.

“Why the rush? Let’s go through the contract first.”

“I’d rather just go and talk about stuff as it comes up. You’ll be there with me the whole time.”

“It isn’t going to work,” he said.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“There are too many reasons to count.”

“So that’s it? We’re throwing in the towel?” Tiff asked.

“You know that’s not what I mean.”

“Do I?”

“Well, for one thing, you can’t go down there and talk to me in this snippy tone of voice. Sassy Tiff is going to find herself in a world of trouble at the club,” he said.

“Fair enough. What other reasons are there, Sir?”

“Careful with that tone, young lady. Almost all subs are either naked or dressed in play costumes, and there is no way I’m prepared to share you at that level yet.”

“Well, thank goodness for that. I’m not ready for that either.”

“Are you ready to have sex in public?”

She did a sharp intake of breath before squeaking out her reply. “Is that a requirement?”

“Requirement, no. Just a fact. I already want to fuck you 24/7. Throw in the show, and the couples around us having sex, and the chances of me being able to stop myself from throwing you across the nearest table and fucking you silly are slim to none. So, unless you are prepared for that to happen, we’d better stay up here.”

“Actually, that part sounds… okay. I mean if, you’re okay with it,” she admitted.

“Ah! So now we’re getting somewhere. I already knew you were a voyeur. Maybe there is a pinch of exhibitionist in there, too?”

“Well, when push comes to shove, I may chicken out, but right this minute, it doesn’t sound so bad. As long as you are there, and as long as…” She trailed off.


“You don’t plan on having us play with other people, right? Just let them watch? I mean… ”

Lukus was quick to interrupt. “Over my fucking dead body, baby. You’re mine. No one else will be touching a hair on your head.”

“I bet it pisses you off that Derek keeps hugging me then, doesn’t it?”

“Derek hugging you I can take, but he’ll lose his hand the next time he slaps your ass.”
