Page 30 of Balancing it All

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“I’m dying. I don’t know how the hell you talked me into this today. I should be home in bed recuperating, not here working my ass off.” The sweat poured off Tiffany, drenching every inch of her clothing.

“Shhh. Will you stop complaining already? We’re gonna get kicked out.” Brianna was just as soaked, the black mascara she never should have put on running down her face.

“That would be awesome. Let’s go.” Tiffany was trying her best to cut their stay short.

Brianna kept trying to shush her best friend as she held her shaky, balancing stick pose. “You know we can’t leave once class starts. Stop being a baby and suck it up. We’re over halfway through.”

“Ladies, for the second time. There’s no talking in class. Do I need to separate you?” The muscular man in the front of the room broke his pose, stopping to give the evil eye to his two unruly students.

Brianna tried to reassure him she was taking the hot yoga class seriously. “No, sir. I mean, that won’t be necessary, Tony.”

“I hope not. You two are regressing. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was back teaching high school PE class.” At least he had a smile on his face.

Brianna apologized. “Sorry. We just had really great weekends and are anxious to catch up. We’ll wait until after class. I promise.”

Tiffany whispered back too loudly. “Speak for yourself. I want to get bounced out of here. I need a shower, and coffee, and a nap. In that order.”

Brianna whispered her retort. “Seriously. I’m gonna take my mat and move to the other side of the room if you can’t shut up. You’re embarrassing me.”

“Oh, come on. You should see your running mascara. Trust me. Nothing I can do should embarrass you more than how you look right now, Ms. Raccoon.”

Brianna finally broke pose, giving up. “Well, what do you expect? It’s freaking 105 degrees in here. I’m sorry if my mascara doesn’t live up to your high standards.”

Tony had turned and was looking like he’d finally had enough, while several nearby students shushed them. Before he could speak, Brianna held out her hand. “Don’t say it. We’re going. Tiffany’s being a big baby and I need to take her home for her nap. We’ll see you next time, Tony, and I promise, we’ll behave.”

Brianna was relieved to see his smile. She wasn’t too worried. She and Tiff had been coming to this yoga studio for over two years. They’d always been good members, so she suspected Tony would put up with a few shenanigans from time to time. Truth be told, she was relieved to cut their class short today, too, but she wasn’t going to tell Tiffany that. Her body had been stretched and used in many new ways since her last yoga class, and she was feeling it.

Tiffany was already stripping out of her drenched leggings as they made it to the women’s locker room. She headed straight for the showers. Brianna caught up with her a few minutes later.

The two women spent several minutes luxuriating under the warm water, allowing the jets to ease their aching muscles. Random moans of relief could be heard from each woman as they stretched out their aches and pains.

Tiffany broke their easy silence. “I wasn’t prepared for how physically taxing my relationship with Lukus was going to be. My body is revolting this morning.”

“I know what you mean. I don’t know how I can take yoga classes for two years and still find new muscles that are aching since… well, you know.”

Tiffany giggled. “Yes. I do know. I think our men are conspiring to keep us in shape. Just think how much money we can save. Who needs yoga classes with Lukus and Markus around?”

“Are you kidding me? I think we’re gonna need the classes more than ever to stay limber and ready for anything.”

“Maybe. Let’s get out of here. I’m ready for that coffee.”

Twenty minutes later, the girls slid into their booth at their favorite breakfast spot in town. They had the same waitress every Monday. “You guys are early today. You want your usual?”

“Morning, Shirley. Yes please. Actually, can you put in an extra shot of espresso?”

Their waitress raised an eyebrow. “Hard weekend, Tiff?”

Tiffany grinned. “You could say that. Thanks.”

Brianna drained her large water, trying to rehydrate after class. When she was done, she pressed her friend. “So, I know why I’m so sore and tired, but what’s your story? I talked to you like ten times last week, and then all of a sudden you went dark from Saturday night to this morning. Everything okay with you and Lukus?”

Tiffany turned an unmistakable shade of pink, matching her clean workout top. “Oh yeah. Everything is good—well, awesome really.”

Brianna didn’t think she’d ever seen a smile that big on her best friend’s face. Since she’d seen Lukus in action, she didn’t need Tiff to explain. The man was a freaking sex god. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you this exact shade of pink before,” she said. “I suspect Lukus has pushed you a little bit out of your comfort zone.”

“Maybe? Pushed, pulled, dragged. Regardless, I didn’t exactly go kicking and screaming. Well, wait. There might have been a little screaming.”
