Page 31 of Balancing it All

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The friends burst out into girlish giggles.

“I swear, we’re acting like teenagers. We’re both in very adult relationships. We should be acting like it,” Bri said.

“I’m trying, but I have to keep pinching myself that this is really happening. Lukus is like a dream. I never in a million years thought such a man really existed, let alone that I would meet him, and date him.”

“How do you think I feel? I was married to Markus for three years and only now see this other yummy side of him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving every single minute of our new life together, but every once in a while I stop and think about how much has changed in such a short time, and it freaks me out, you know?”

Tiffany was suddenly serious. “I do know. I’m so scared of getting hurt, Bri.”

“What? You think Lukus is really going to hurt you? No way. He’s too careful.”

“I’m not talking about physically. I totally trust that he’s working hard to figure me out. In fact, I sense he’s still holding back so he doesn’t scare me. Even if he tries to take me too far, I know all I have to do is safeword and he’ll stop.”

“So, what’s the problem?” Bri asked.

“How is this going to end? I’ve never felt like this before. Ever. I don’t know how I’m going to take it when it’s over.”

“Whoa! Who the hell says it’s gonna be over? Has Lukus said something that makes you think there’s a timer counting down?”

“No, but let’s face it. The man has never been in a monogamous relationship that lasted longer than a few months. In a few months, when I’m totally hooked on him, he’ll tire of me. I’ll never survive him dumping me.”

“You’re doing it again, Tiff.”

They sat silently in thought as Shirley delivered their grande café lattes and veggie omelets. After she left, Tiff answered her friend. “You’re right. I need to stay calm.” Tiff raised her coffee mug as if to toast. “To the hottest men on the planet, Markus and Lukus. I’m not exactly sure where this ride is taking me, but I’m gonna hang on and hope for the best.”

“Sounds good. Now let’s hurry up and finish breakfast. That nap is sounding pretty good right about now.”

* * *


“Thanks, gentlemen. That’ll do it for today.” Markus had been working on getting this damn meeting to a point of closure for over an hour. He hated Mondays. It was impossible to get any real work done between catching up on emails and associate meetings. He knew they were all necessary evils in business, but he hated wasting time on anything that wasn’t billable.

Unfortunately, not everyone felt the same way. “Oh, before we close, I think we should spend a few minutes talking about the lease renewal. I don’t want us to wait too long.”

Markus had had enough. He couldn’t take one more silly topic today. “Jesus, Peter. The lease isn’t up for another eighteen months. I think we have time. Let’s table that for a week when we have less on the agenda. We’ve been in here almost two hours. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has to take a piss.”

Chuckles from around the room confirmed that everyone except Peter was more than ready for this meeting to end. Before he could come up with the next pointless topic to discuss, Markus stood and made his exit.

Passing by his assistant’s desk, he dropped off the files he’d managed to update while multi-tasking in the associate meeting. “I made some edits. Go ahead and make the changes and send all of these letters out today. Thanks, Laurie.”

His efficient admin smiled. “You just can’t stand to not bill during that meeting, can you?”

“Hell, no. I’m the king of multi-tasking. I’m gonna make a pit stop, and then can you get me Lukus on line one? I have just enough time to fit him in before my next client meeting in twenty minutes.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Lambert.”

“Laurie, you’ve been my assistant for three months now. Don’t you think it’s time you called me Markus?”

“No, sir. I’m old school. You’ll always be Mr. Lambert to me.”

“Whatever floats your boat. All I know is you’re the best damn admin I’ve ever had, so don’t even think about leaving me.”

Laurie was beaming at his compliment. Markus meant every word. He’d burned through several assistants over the years. He knew he could be demanding, but he was fair and didn’t ask his staff to do anything he wasn’t capable of doing himself. After losing his last two admins to extended maternity leaves, he’d taken a bit of a chance on Laurie. She was easily his mom’s age and just getting back into the workforce after having taken off two decades to be a full-time mother. She’d been a para-legal for many years before having kids, but she insisted it was her experience in juggling the busy schedule for a family of five that had given her the experience she needed to be a kick-ass assistant.

Markus was just sitting down at his desk when Laurie instant messaged him that she had Lukus on the line.

“Hey man. How’s it going?”
