Page 33 of Balancing it All

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Markus could hear the concern in his friend’s voice. “I’m here.”

“Why don’t you let me just take care of this for you? I’m set up here to track the bastard down and figure out the best way to hurt him. You just deal with getting your marriage back on track, and teaching that wife of yours what it means to be a real submissive, not the imitation battering-ram version the asshole tried to convince her was right.”

“I’m not walking away from this, Lukus. Don’t even ask me to.”

“Fine, then at least let me do some digging first and figure out what we’re dealing with. As soon as I have a better picture, I’ll give you a call, and we’ll figure out our next steps, okay?” Lukus suggested.

“Fine, but don’t take too long. I don’t want this to drag out. I want Bri and Tiff to feel safe from him, and you know damn well he has to be hurting other women as we speak. Predators like him feed off the violence against innocent women. I’d bet my next paycheck he’s leaving a string of battered women in his wake.”

“I wish I didn’t agree with you, but I’ve met enough bad Doms in my day to know his M.O. He’s a sadistic bastard. I’ll be back in touch when I have something to share. Oh, and before we hang up, what are you guys doing this weekend?”

“I haven’t got that far yet. Why?” Markus asked.

“Remember Michael Harris? The guy who lost his sub in that car accident about four years back?”

“Yeah. He moved to New York, didn’t he?”

“He’s back in Chicago. He splits his time between cities. He rejoined The Pit with his new sub,” Lukus said.

“Good for him. He kinda went off the deep end for a while there, didn’t he?”

“Yeah. They’d been in a Total Power Exchange relationship, so he was lost without her at first. He found himself a new sub. This Friday, they’re having a formal collaring and commitment ceremony here at the club. He’s going all out. I think it’s something the girls might like attending.”

“I don’t know. I’d never consider a TPE with Bri,” Markus admitted.

“Me either with Tiff, but it might be good for them to see this type of a relationship as a contrast. I’m really struggling to get Tiff to open up and talk about her limits. Attending a ceremony like this is a good way to get her talking. We’re going. I thought you and Bri might like it, too.”

“Let me think about it. I’ll get back to you in a few days.”

“Cool. The ceremony is at midnight. I’m taking Tiff shopping earlier that night to Mistress Martha’s for an outfit to wear. You guys are welcome to tag along. I’m sure we could make it fun for the girls.” Lukus chuckled.

“You’re gonna subject Tiff to Martha? Brave man.”

“Hey, she’s mellowed in her old age. And besides, she has the best selection of corsets and kinky lingerie in town. I’m getting a boner just thinking about watching Tiff modeling outfits that night.”

Markus’s pulse jacked up at the thought of his wife modeling naughty lingerie. “You just sold me. Let’s make a night of it. I’ll make dinner reservations. See if you can get us a private viewing room with Martha. She always did like you best.”

“That’s just because I always complimented her eyes. You only complimented her on being a bad ass.”

“That’s because she is a bad ass.”

“Maybe, but even Dommes don’t want to be called that.”


“Hey, can you hold on a sec? Derek is in here, bugging me,” Lukus said.

“Tell him to fuck off. I was here first.”

“Well, since he’s gonna be helping with the Jake investigation, I’d rather you not piss him off at this point.”

“Fine. But I only have a few minutes before my next meeting.”

Markus heard Lukus talking to what sounded like a group in his office. He couldn’t make out exactly who was all there, or what they were talking about, but he could guess it wasn’t good.

Lukus came back on the line. “I gotta go. I fucking hate Mondays. Everything is unraveling at this end. I need to go kick some asses.”

“Fine. Later.”

