Page 34 of Balancing it All

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Lukus hung up the phone with his best friend and turned his attention back to the motley crew crowding into his office at his security headquarters. He’d taken time off last week with Tiffany, not only from The Punishment Pit, but also from his day job running Titan Securities. The chaos of the operation this morning showed it. He was getting a headache just listening to the ruckus around him.


Four pairs of shocked eyes turned his way. Make that three pairs. Derek was trying to contain the humor dancing in his eyes. Lukus shot his friend his best cautioning glare. He liked that most of his employees were slightly afraid of him. It kept them on their toes.

“Now. One at a time. Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Only as he finished his sentence did Lukus notice a fifth person lounging quietly on the couch near the door to the expansive office. There was no mistaking the stranger’s identity. He was a miniature version of his brother.

Fuck. I forgot today’s the day the new guy starts. Derek better appreciate me hiring his baby brother. I don’t have time for babysitting.

Three men had resumed talking at the same time while Derek took a step back to separate himself from the three stooges bickering in front of Lukus’s desk. The knowing smirk on his face revealed that he knew full well how Lukus dealt with shit like this.

“Enough! I wasn’t aware I’d employed a bunch of fucking teenage girls, because that’s exactly what you’re all sounding like. Johnson. Talk. Now.”

A look of vindication passed across Colton Johnson’s face. “Turner needs to shut up and get going. He and Sean are supposed to be out at the new security system install job in Naperville in like ten minutes. They’re gonna be late.”

It didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out Turner and Sean Ryan were not happy with their assignment. Lukus turned his attention to Logan Turner, lifting an eyebrow as if to say, “what the fuck, man?” Logan didn’t miss his cue. “Naperville is CJ’s job. He did the quote and knows the layout of the house. It makes no sense for me to go on this one without him.”

Lukus knew something was fishy. Logan usually liked to go out on technology install jobs, preferring them to personal bodyguard or location security detail assignments. Turning back to CJ, Lukus pressed for answers. “So, what’s the other job you’re trying to steal from these guys?”

“Damn, boss. How the hell do you do that?” CJ looked amazed.

“I’ve worked with you yahoos for too long. We don’t have time for this bullshit. Spill.”

“It’s nothing. I just need to finish up some loose ends up at the Deerfield job today. There’s not enough there for all of us. I’ll head up there and wrap up the job we started last week. Sean and Logan can do the job in Naperville.”

“This is such bullshit. He’s just trying to get into the pants of the chick who lives there. Her husband was home last week, but he’ll be at work today,” Logan said.

Lukus chuckled. “I see. So, you thought you should go and try to get into her pants instead?”

At least Logan had the decency to look sheepish. Lukus knew how to solve this problem. “Sean, you head up to Deerfield and finish the job there. And keep the hell away from the lady’s pants. Then head out to Naperville to catch up with these two. CJ and Logan, hit the road, and be sure to give the client a call to let them know you’re running late.”

Two of the three left grumbling, while the red-headed Sean walked out with a shit-eating grin on his face. Lukus could finally take a deep breath when they closed the door behind them, leaving the three remaining men in the room in silence. Only now did Lukus get a good look at his newest employee. So far, he was not impressed.

What the fuck is his name again? I know Derek told me.

Finally giving up on coming up with a first name, he improvised. “So, you’re Parker.”

“Wow. You’re smart. How’d you figure it out?”

Lukus was amused at the guy’s obvious I couldn’t give a shit attitude. Derek not so much. “I’m gonna knock your head off your shoulders if you don’t straighten up,” he said. “Lukus is doing you a favor. Don’t you forget it.”

Turning his bored eyes from Lukus to his brother, the scruffy man sprawled out on his couch as if he were about to take a nap retorted, “I never asked for any favors. In fact, I think this whole plan is bullshit.”

Lukus could see Derek’s neck turning red as it always did when he started to lose his cool. “Listen you little twerp. You’ve been sitting your ass on Mom and Dad’s couch watching TV and playing video games long enough. It’s time for you to actually get off your ass and do something of value again. Maybe make a few bucks to contribute for the food you’ve been shoveling in your face. Or, here’s an idea—you could use it to pay for a membership at a gym so you can stop gaining five pounds a week from sitting on your lazy ass.”

“All right you two,” Lukus said. “As touching as this family reunion seems, I’d like to at least try to get some work done today. Derek, did you have a training plan in mind for junior here?”

“Dylan.” When Lukus glanced his way, the new guy confirmed. “My name is Dylan. Not Junior.”

“Fine. Welcome to the team… Dylan.”

Derek snorted. “You’d better straighten up, or your time on the team will be short.”

“Fine by me.”

Lukus decided to help his friend. “I’m sensing you don’t want to be here, junior. You never told me you had a lazy ass brother, Derek.”

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