Page 52 of Balancing it All

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And then it hit her.

Lukus was sharing this same soulful connection with Brianna as he fucked Tiffany hard. Tiff’s body was betraying her. She wanted to be angry, to feel betrayed, scandalized, but as she stared into Markus’s beautiful brown eyes, he smiled a devilish smile, reminding her it was the Markus she’d known for over three years. The Markus who loved Brianna. The Markus buried inside her best friend, not her. Suddenly, what she was doing didn’t feel as wrong.

Lukus continued to piston Tiff’s pussy deep and fast, while Markus conversely slowed his thrusts, taking time to lift Brianna up high before pulling her down hard. His onslaught on Bri’s body was complete.

Never had a sexual encounter been so taboo for Tiffany. She seemed to have stumbled into an impromptu orgy of sorts. A tiny voice inside her screamed for the action to stop long enough for her to evaluate what was happening; time to decide if she was comfortable with the implications this encounter might have for their complex friendships.

That break didn’t come, and with each passing moment, it became less important. Raw need overshadowed hesitation. Tiffany heard Lukus instructing Brianna to open her eyes just as Markus had with Tiff. Markus’s heated stare was surely piercing Tiffany as deeply as Lukus’s hard cock. Tiff could feel the telltale signs of Lukus about to come, and she knew Brianna was about to witness the beautiful sight of a Lukus-Mitchell orgasm.

“Holy fuck, Tiff. Come with me, baby. Show my best friend how beautiful you are when you orgasm.”

The last thing she remembered before losing herself to her pleasure was the sound of both Markus and Brianna crying out their release within seconds of Lukus and Tiffany.

All four friends spent several minutes locked together in their precarious pile, sweat-covered bodies panting to catch their breath after their romp.

Brianna came to life first with a simple, “Wow.”

“That’s the understatement of the year,” Tiff countered.

* * *


As much fun as their interlude in the limo had been, Lukus was anxious to get back to his loft and spend the next hour or two setting the tone for the rest of the intense evening he’d planned for Tiffany. He couldn’t be happier with the way their night had gone so far. Not only did Tiff pass the “Mistress Martha test,” but her easy acceptance of their first semi-public sexual play gave Lukus hope she might come to accept the public nature of his role at The Punishment Pit.

Baby steps. Next up, the game.

As the four friends piled out of the small elevator into Lukus’s loft, the men moved forward with their pre-planned activities.

Lukus amped up his Dom persona. “Ladies, follow me.”

He led them to the seating area of the great room, and as they arrived at the large square coffee table in the middle of the seating pit, Lukus directed Brianna to one side and Tiffany to the opposite. Only when they moved to sit on the couches did he order:

“Kneel. On the floor.”

Brianna glanced at Markus for direction. When her husband nodded his approval for Lukus to lead the scene, she gracefully knelt in the space between the table and couch. Markus sat directly behind her, placing her body between his open knees and loosely trapping her. Lukus picked up on her excitement.

Switching his focus to Tiffany, he was reminded of her newbie status to the lifestyle. Acquiescing to even the smallest command still didn’t come easy to her, and he knew more than anything that her mind still clashed with her physical desires. Some days, her body won. Right this minute, he suspected her brain was already on overload, analyzing their semi-public orgy in the back of the limo.

Lukus took her hands in his, staring into her eyes to command her attention. “Tiffany. Kneel for me, baby. Right here.” The command was soft, but was a command nonetheless.

Her eyes dilated. She sucked in a deep breath, then slowly lowered herself to her knees before him. She was a natural. He was relieved to see her small smile.

“Very good girl.”

Lukus sat behind Tiffany and drew the girls’ attention to a basket in the middle of the coffee table.

“We have a couple hours before we need to head down to the club for tonight’s festivities. Markus and I have been wracking our brains, trying to figure out how we could get you ladies communicating with us better about what it is you want to get out of your relationships with us. I’m not saying anything we don’t all already know, but Markus and Brianna, you almost lost your marriage because you two hadn’t communicated truthfully with each other. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that happen again.”

Lukus moved his attention to Tiffany, who had angled her body so she could look at him. “And Tiffany, your flat-out refusal to go through the club’s contract with me has me flying blind as to what kinds of activities are going to turn you on and what’s gonna cause you to go running from the building.”

Tiffany opened her mouth to speak but he placed two fingers over her mouth, shushing her. “Not yet, baby. You promised to trust me tonight. I understand you don’t like the idea of a formal negotiation of a contract, but there are things we need to talk about. Tonight, instead of a dry contract, we’re going to turn those topics into a game. We are all going to play, myself included.”

Brianna was excited. “Oh, this sounds like so much fun. Is it a ‘show’ kind of game or more like a ‘tell’ kind of game?”

Markus answered his wife. “For now, it’s a ‘tell’ kind of game. If you keep interrupting Master Lukus while he’s explaining the rules, I could be persuaded to turn it into a ‘show’ game over my knee.”

Lukus smirked at Brianna’s petulant frown. “Yes, Sir,” she muttered.

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