Page 53 of Balancing it All

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“Now, as I was going to say, I’ve put some BDSM topics on slips of paper. I’ve grouped things into categories. We will take turns pulling from the basket, and read our slips to the group. Then the person who pulled the slip will go through and rank each item or topic into one of three categories. Category one is, ‘no way, no how, not in a million years.’”

Tiffany grinned at that description.

“Category two is neutral: ‘I hadn’t thought of it before, but it doesn’t freak me out. I may even want to try it in the future if the opportunity arises.’” He broke before finishing the options. “And category three is, ‘hell yes, when can we start?’”

Tiffany opened her mouth several times, but didn’t speak. She struggled to vocalize her concerns. She finally got out, “That doesn’t seem like enough categories to me. Can’t there be something in between the neutral and the how-soon-can-we-start? Like, oh I don’t know… like, ‘sounds like fun but I’m scared shitless to try it.’”

Lukus was thankful that Markus and Brianna were laughing at Tiffany, too. “Oh, baby, if I give you that category, I’m afraid you’ll pick it every time.”

“Maybe, but it’d be the truth.”

“Tiff, I’m trying to flush out what you are going to hate here. Can you give it a try?”

“I guess. Someone else go first.”

Brianna rescued her friend. “It’s okay. I’ll go first.” She was reaching into the basket when she remembered to look up at Lukus for approval. “That is if it’s okay with you, Master Lukus.”

“Go ahead, sweetheart. Mix them up and pull out one card only. You can read it through to yourself, but then you’ll need to read it to all of us, and give us your answer.”

“Yes, sir.” Bri reached into the basket and pulled out a folded notecard. Her eyes got as big as saucers, and Lukus suspected she pulled one of the more controversial cards first.

Markus reminded his wife of the rules. “Okay, Bri. Read us your card.”

“Not in a million years.”

Lukus raised his eyebrow. “It would be nice to know what you are saying no to, sweetheart.”

“Edge Play: Needles, knives, blood… No, no and hell no, Sir.”

Markus squeezed her shoulder. “Thank God. I hate that shit, too. I don’t even get into watching it.”

Tiffany’s lower lip quivered. Lukus almost missed her whisper. “Please, Lukus. Tell me you’re a no to that stuff, too. I mean, I could never…. Please don’t ask…”

“Yes, baby, I’m a no to those things, too,” he reassured her. “I’ve tried all of them, of course, here at The Pit because we have members who are really into it, but I would never enjoy blood play with you.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Her relief was palpable.

“You go next, baby. Pick out a different list.”

She reached slowly for the basket and came out with a notecard. She glanced down to read the contents. When she looked up to stare at Lukus, no matter what words left her mouth, he knew she was interested in whatever was on her card. Her eyes gave her away.

“Restraints and Bondage: Ropes, cuffs, chains, spreader bars.” She waited a full ten seconds before finishing quietly. “When can we start?”

“It’s a good thing you said that, little girl, because I already know you love to be tied up. If you’d answered anything else, I would have spanked you for lying to me. I think you know how happy I am that you like being restrained, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Markus was chuckling. “This one is an easy one for us too, isn’t it, Brianna?”

“Yes, Sir and thanks for pointing that out in front of our friends.”

Markus cautioned her as he reached out to grab his own card. “Be careful. Let’s see what’s next, shall we?” He read his notecard and looked up, grinning. “Punishment Implements: Flogger, paddle, crop, belt, strap, hairbrush, cane, switch.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Yes, yes, and more yes. All except the cane. Bri, we’ve talked about this, but I won’t use a cane on you—ever.”

“Thank you so much, Markus. I totally agree, but then you knew that already since you’ve used all of those on me before, except the switch.”

“Yes, my little pain slut loves her implements. I’m saving the switch and a good birching for when you are really naughty.”

Brianna shivered at his words, wiggling.
