Page 65 of Balancing it All

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Markus woke slowly, luxuriating that it was Saturday and he didn’t have to go into the office this weekend. He was reaching to snuggle Brianna when he heard the shower turning off.

Sitting up quickly, he snapped open his eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight filtering through the crack in the drapes. Glancing at the ruffled spot in the bed where his wife should have been, he cursed.

“Damn it.”

Pushing to his feet, he crossed Lukus’s guest room to the en suite bathroom. Not bothering to knock, he let himself in just as Brianna stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped swami style around her long, soaked hair. Unfortunately, she’d wrapped a second towel around her sexy body, hiding all of his favorite parts he’d like to ogle this morning. Her face lit up with a million-dollar smile.

“Good morning, honey. I’m already running late. Tiff and I have an insane day at the salon today. We have a rush of prom appointments.”

Markus didn’t care if she was wet; he was determined to get his morning grope. “Damn, I was hoping to catch you in time for a morning quickie.”

She extricated herself to head to the long vanity, wiping steam from the mirror. “Sorry, but I should have left twenty minutes ago. I’m counting on no traffic this morning. Tiff better be ready. I texted to make sure she’s up and moving.”

He pulled her against his chest as they locked eyes in the foggy mirror.

“How’s your ass this morning?” He snaked a hand under her towel, massaging her naked butt. Her gasp was evidence she was still feeling the effects of their intense night.

Confident businesswoman Brianna took a backseat to her submissive persona. “My ass is properly tender this morning, Master.”

Music to his ears.

“I wish we had time for a personal inspection, but I wouldn’t want to make you late. You know what happens to subs who are late, don’t you?”

He saw the flash of desire in her brown eyes and knew it wouldn’t take much coercing to convince her to stay long enough for a quickie.

Patience, Lambert.

Releasing her, he plunked a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll let you off the hook this time. Get ready. I’ll hose off real quick. We can head out together in a few minutes.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Fifteen minutes later, Markus and Brianna left the guest room in search of Lukus and Tiffany. The friends had driven downtown together the night before and would drive to the salon together this morning, leaving Lukus time to bring Markus up to speed on any new developments in the Jake investigation. Things were moving too slow for Markus. He wanted the prick in jail. Today.

They arrived in the kitchen to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the sight of an embracing couple. As Lukus glanced up, Markus could tell they’d interrupted a private conversation.

Brianna didn’t notice. She rushed to the coffee maker, reaching for one of the Styrofoam to-go cups, and started preparing her beverage.

“Oh, thank God you had time to make coffee. We’re so late. We don’t have time to stop at a drive-through. You ready, Tiff?”

Only Markus could see Tiffany’s face. She wanted no part of leaving. Now that he glanced at his best friend, Lukus didn’t look thrilled either. Neither spoke.

Brianna barged ahead once she had her coffee. Turning, she walked straight to her best friend, handing her a second to-go cup. “Here. I fixed it the way you like it. Say goodbye. We need to leave.”

Lukus kept his eyes on Tiff, but addressed Bri. “Back off, Brianna. Tiff will leave when I say she leaves, and not before.”

Brianna was about to argue back. Markus stepped in before she found herself in trouble with the Master’s Master. “Bri, let them say goodbye. I’ll walk you to the elevator.” When she opened her mouth to protest, Markus stopped her with a quiet, “Now.”

Tiffany and Lukus trailed behind. The two couples took time for a passionate goodbye kiss before the girls stepped into the elevator.

Markus tried to get the last word in. “Drive carefully. Text me when you get there.”

Markus’s sassy wife was about to reply, but Tiff touched her arm before answering for them. “No worries, Markus. I’ll text you when we get there.” She just got her answer in before the doors closed behind them.

The men stood planted in front of the closed elevator door after they left.

“Damn. I’ll see her again in ten hours and I still hate to see her go.” Markus heard the alarm in Lukus’s voice at the revelation of his growing dependency on his relationship.
