Page 66 of Balancing it All

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Turning to walk back to the kitchen, Markus agreed. “I know what you mean. This whole Jake thing has been one hell of a wake-up call. Looking back, I can see we’d fallen into dangerous routines like so many couples do after a few years of marriage. I’m determined not to let us take what we have for granted ever again.”

“I can’t picture it ever getting old or routine with Tiff. She challenges me every day. Fuck, every hour.”

Markus poured himself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the eat-in counter. Lukus did the same.

“So, what the hell is happening with the Jake investigation? Have you got a plan of attack yet?”

Lukus was frustrated. “I feel like I’m letting you down. I’ve had so many jobs come in, I haven’t been able to send Z out to California. I sent Dylan, Derek’s brother, but he’s just observing, and he’s green. Cameron spent a few hours digging up a few leads, but I need to get someone out there to help Dylan. I’d go myself, but—”

“I know. You aren’t capable of being away from Tiffany for more than a day.”

Lukus looked like he ate something sour. “God damn, I hate being weak, but there’s no getting around it. She’s like my drug. I’m addicted. No fucking way do I want to be gone for a week right now.”

“I get it, man. But you do have a lot of employees. Send someone else to help Dylan.”

“They’re all busy. I’ll have Derek fly out tomorrow after tonight’s shows. I’ll have to find someone else to lead the show tomorrow night.”

Markus saw temptation in Lukus’s expression. “Have you talked to her about it yet?”

Lukus didn’t ask him to expound. He knew what Markus meant. “No. I’m dreading it. I know I could play the Dom card, and just tell her that’s the way it’s gonna be. If I thought she would be angry, I might do it. But, if I tell Tiff I want to resume leading the shows, she’ll be hurt, and shit, I don’t want to hurt her.”

“I wish I could reassure you, but you’re right. She won’t understand it’s just business. At least, not yet.”

Lukus looked worried. “What if she never does?”

Markus wasn’t sure his friend wanted the raw truth, but he was gonna give it to him. “Truthfully? I know the club is profitable. Maybe it’s time to take a back seat, as a silent partner. You could make appearances to keep close to the members, but hell, even if Tiff understands, you’re gonna need to find someone to help. Even I’d think you were an asshole if you wanted to spend five nights a week playing with someone other than your own woman.”

Lukus ran his fingers through his morning-messed hair. “Hell, I know that. I’ve been on autopilot for years. These last few weeks are the first in years where I took time off. It’s been good. I just want a balance.”

“Try to steer her that way, but you need to start looking for a replacement. It’s not gonna be easy. You’re a natural.”

“Derek is doing fine,” Lukus said.

“Yeah, but with the baby on the way, he isn’t gonna want to do it full-time either.”

“I know. He’s already given me warning. Damn.” Lukus looked at his phone to check the time. “Where the hell is Derek, anyway? I asked him to be here by now. We have a lot of shit to do today.”

“I know you have a lot on your plate, but I want this Jake thing moved into a higher gear. If you’re too busy, let me know and I’ll find—”

Lukus cut him off mid-sentence. “Fuck you if you think you’re gonna hire anyone else for this case. I have a personal stake in this. Just back off, will ya? I’ll figure something out.”

Markus took a deep breath. “Fine. I’ll back off, but not forever. I want that prick in jail.”

“And I don’t? Tiff had another Goddamn nightmare last night.” Lukus’s agitation was growing.

“All right, so you have as much skin in this game as I do.”

They were interrupted by Lukus’s ringing cell phone. He smiled as he saw who was calling.

“Hey, Dylan. We were just talking about you. What’s happening out there?”

Lukus put the call on speakerphone, laying it on the counter between them so Markus could hear.

“I need a damn raise, that’s what’s happening out here. The asshole never sleeps,” Dylan said.

Markus looked at his watch. Eight-thirty in Chicago meant it was six-thirty in the morning in California.

“You been up all night?” Lukus asked.

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