Page 69 of Balancing it All

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It’s business. She’s just going to have to suck it up. I’m her Dom, and I’ll just tell her how it’s going to be.

He pushed down the guilt. He’d let her decide. She could come and observe, or she could wait upstairs, but she wasn’t going to have the choice to say no tonight. That wasn’t going to happen.

His bravado lasted until his phone rang and he looked down to see Tiffany’s name and picture pop up on the screen. He considered letting it roll to voicemail, unprepared for the argument that was sure to erupt between them, but answered it at the last minute.

“Hi, baby. I hope your day is going better than mine.”

“Hey. Well it hasn’t gone bad, I guess. I’m exhausted. We’ve been so busy we had to order in a pizza for lunch, and we all took bites in the thirty seconds we had between clients. I’m not used to being on my feet non-stop like this. My back hurts.”

“Poor baby. It sounds like you need a warm bath and a deep-tissue massage.”

“Honestly, I’m dreaming of a hot bath and a nap. You kept me up half the night last night. I need sleep. I know I promised to drive downtown tonight, but would you be mad if I head to my place for a nap first?”

Lukus felt like a shit for thinking it. He felt like an ass for saying it. It didn’t stop him. “You know I don’t want you driving if you’re sleepy. Of course, you need to go home and sleep. We have a lot going on down here tonight, or I’d come out to you right now. How about I come out to you after the last show? It’ll be late, but you should be rested up by then.”

He heard her stifled yawn at the other end of the phone. He contemplated telling her the real reason he needed to stay at the club, but when she didn’t ask, he decided to tell her after it was over so she could see that it wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Thank you so much for being so understanding, honey,” she said. “I was dreading driving into the city tonight. I’m glad you have a key. Just let yourself in. Try to get out of there as early as you can, okay?”

“I will. Go home, Tiff, and I’ll see you later tonight.”

“Bye, Sir.”

Problem solved.

So why do I feel like such a shit?
