Page 70 of Balancing it All

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The pounding music from her neighbor’s garage outside her bedroom window stirred Tiffany awake a few hours into her well-deserved nap.

Damn teenagers.

Even as she thought it, she forgave them. It was, after all, Saturday night. She peeked at her bedside alarm clock—holy shit. She’d slept for four hours. It was just after nine. Time to wake up and get ready for Lukus’s arrival. She sprung out of bed, heading to the bathroom to take that hot bath.

Anxious to know how far away he was, Tiff picked up her cell and phoned him. She wasn’t surprised it went to voicemail, since it was hard to hear when he was out on the club floor. Glancing at the time again, she realized he probably didn’t want to answer while watching Derek run the show.

She let her thoughts drift to the naughty submissives on the receiving end of a Derek punishment tonight. Was it wrong to hope that the scene got Lukus revved up? As much as she loved the gentle Lukus, Tiff had to admit she was in the mood for the Master’s Master. Lukus was never more Dom-like in the bedroom than after an intense center stage show. She couldn’t say she blamed him, since seeing the edgy scenes brought out her submissive tendencies in spades.

When she tried his cell again thirty minutes later, she was less understanding. The center stage show should have been over, and he should have been watching for her call.

By ten fifteen, she’d called again. No answer. She was worried.

By ten thirty, she’d called again. No answer. She was anxious.

By ten forty-five, she’d called again. No answer. She was pissed. She was also dressed and heading to her car.

I have to check in with him all the time or he worries, but he gets to drop off the face of the earth without so much as a simple text that everything is okay.

Tiffany suspected that she might be overreacting, but she had a funny feeling in her gut that something was wrong. She’d learned to listen to her gut.

She continued to try to reach him during her drive, worried they were going to pass each other on the highway. When she got all the way to the club without him returning her call, she was back to being pissed.

It was after eleven, and only now did she realize this was the first time she’d arrived at the club without Derek or Lukus meeting her in the alley to park her car. There wasn’t even a bouncer standing in the alley, like usual, which seemed strange for a busy weekend night.

She had no choice. She would have to park her own car in the garage at the end of the block and then walk back. The wise little voice in the back of her head told her she was making a mistake. Lukus was going to lose it if he found out she walked by herself in the dark alley on a Saturday night.

Tiff made several laps around the block, trying to give him time to call. Eventually, she gave up. Her gut was still sounding alarm bells, but her worry for Lukus overrode her worry for her own safety.

Making sure the car was locked tight, she grabbed her overnight bag and purse before walking down the well-lit stairwell to ground level. As usual, the streets were pretty quiet in this neighborhood at this time of night. She’d have felt better if there were more people loitering around.

Her heart rate accelerated when she realized there were two men walking about half a block behind her, having parked their car in the same garage. She tried to remain calm. They were most likely going to The Pit, as she was. They weren’t necessarily following her.

Regardless, she was almost running by the time she turned into the alley, rushing towards the locked club entrance. She fumbled in her purse for her keycard, wishing she had a pin-pad code instead.

She could hear the men’s footsteps. They were close. She got the door flung open just in time to enter The Punishment Pit, slamming it closed behind her. She let out a shaky sigh, knowing the only way the two men would be able to follow her was if they were Pit members, and if they were, they’d have to be fucking crazy to mess with Master Lukus’s submissive.

She turned down the employee hallway to head to his office but stopped when the door to the alley swung open. The two men stepped into the dimly lit hallway. They scanned the entry, obviously looking for her. With dread, she registered their faces lighting up when they saw her stopped a few feet away.

The tallest spoke to her first. “It is you. We thought you looked familiar.”

Tiffany was surprised they knew her. She was sure Lukus had never introduced her to them before. “Do I know you, gentlemen?”

The shorter, stocky guy snorted an unpleasant laugh. “Rich. We got our asses chewed by Mitchell for letting you into the club floor a few weeks ago. What an asshole, blaming us for putting you in danger and then letting you walk around out in the alley alone at this hour. If I wasn’t afraid he’d revoke my membership, I’d call him out on it.”

His taller friend smiled deviously. “I don’t think so, Joe. Knowing how possessive he is of her, I can only assume he doesn’t know she was out there alone.” He was pinning her with a glare. “I’m right, aren’t I? Lukus would go apeshit if he found out you were just out there alone.”

Tiffany’s panicked facial expression told him his answer.

Stocky man—Joe—was pleased. “Oh, man. This is great. I can’t wait to dish it back at him, the pompous ass.”

“Oh, crap. Please, I’m begging you not to tell him. Please.” Tiffany’s voice was shaky. She knew they were right.

The stocky jerk was moving closer, and she wished she’d have just kept going instead of stopping to talk to them. Lukus was going to be furious when he found out that she not only had been walking in the alley alone, but that she was now, once again, stuck talking to unknown club Doms—and without his collar, that was still upstairs, on. Shit. She was fair game.

Getting back to his office was suddenly more important than bargaining for their silence. Tiff spun around and started to walk down the hall quickly, praying they didn’t follow. She knew she’d dodged a bullet when she heard their taunting laughter at her expense. At least they hadn’t chased her down. Once she got behind another locked door, she stopped to catch her breath and calm down. She didn’t want Lukus to see just how afraid she’d been.
