Page 7 of Balancing it All

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“Trixie also has the personality of an abrasive dish rag.”

“Fine. You can pick up your phone and call any one of a dozen women who would be here in an hour. Take your pick. Get someone here, bang your frustrations out, and then everything can go back to normal around here.”

Lukus knew his good friend was playing him, but it didn’t really matter. Derek had done his job. He’d held the mirror up in front of Lukus, reminding him that he had gotten on the roller-coaster ride called Tiffany O’Sullivan with his eyes wide open. The thought of being with any other woman, sub or not, was abhorrent to him. But the thought of Tiffany being with anyone else, well it just wasn’t gonna happen.

She’s mine. I still want it all.

Finally. The simple truth. Suddenly, all the shit fell away, leaving Lukus feeling calm for the first time since Ethan’s phone call.

When he looked up at his friend, he saw Derek watching him carefully. “Welcome back.”

“I really did lose my shit, didn’t I?

Derek grinned. “Yeah. It won’t be the last time either.”

“I hate it.”

“Maybe, but it goes with the territory.”

“What territory is that?”

“Having it all. I hate to tell you, but it’s gonna get messy. It’s not always gonna be easy.”

Lukus took a long drag from his beer. “You’re sounding like Dr. Phil again.”

“I can live with that. Can you?”

“I guess. Now what?”

“Now, you go back there and make up with her. Make up sex is awesome.” Derek winked.

“Wait. We can’t make up until I’ve punished her. She fucking defied me and put herself in danger.”

“You haven’t heard a word I said, have you?”

“Yeah, man. I get it. I’m not gonna take her down to the dungeon and scare the shit out of her, but I can’t just let this go. I can’t.”

“Fine. You kids sort this out. Just make sure you wait long enough that you’ve got your shit back together, will you?”

“I’m back in control. You’re work here is done. I don’t need a babysitter anymore,” Lukus said.

“That’s good because it’s getting late. I need to get downstairs and start prepping for the show.”

Another wave of guilt hit Lukus. “Sorry to dump all the shows on you, man. I really appreciate you stepping up.”

“It’s okay for now, but we are gonna have to figure out what we’re gonna do for the long haul. I won’t be able to do all the shows when Rachel gets further along.”

“I know. I can’t deal with this tonight, though.”

“Right. Go back there and fuck her brains out. Fucking always makes me feel better after I’ve come unglued.”

“That doesn’t mean much, since you and Rachel have sex more often than anyone else I know.” Lukus grinned.

As the elevator doors closed, Derek got in his parting comment. “Hey, what can I say? That’s one of the benefits of getting to have it all.”

Lukus collapsed into his favorite chair, propping his boots on the ottoman. He was stalling. He knew he needed to go back and sort this mess out with Tiff.

So, this is what it feels like to be in a relationship. I’m so fucked.
