Page 8 of Balancing it All

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“Well, if we don’t do something soon, the national deficit is going to drag this country into a depression that will make the 1930’s look like an economic boom.”

Brianna rolled her eyes dramatically as the blow-hard sitting across from her started in on his newest rant. Having discovered they were seated next to a state senator, the older couple, who joined their table at the last minute, had taken the opportunity of monopolizing Senator Wither’s undivided attention for the last hour. Meanwhile, the rest of the table suffered through three courses of politically charged lectures on everything from gun control to gay rights, and now the national economy. Bri had to hand it to them: about the only politically incorrect topic they hadn’t hit on yet was religion.

The night is still young. I won’t put it past them.

Sneaking a look at her husband, she caught him staring at her, a sly smile on his face. It was the kind of smile that told her he was up to no good.

He leaned in close. “Pass me your purse.”

Brianna searched his eyes. Yep, definitely up to no good. She did as she was told, and watched as he reached into his tuxedo jacket pocket to pull out a small bag. She didn’t get a good look at it before he opened her small clutch and stuffed it in, snapping her purse closed quickly. There hadn’t been much room in there, and he had trouble getting the clasp to stay closed, but eventually succeeded.

Handing the purse back, he leaned close to place his arm around the back of her chair, whispering quietly into her ear.

She shivered when his lips brushed her ear with an intimate kiss. “I want you to excuse yourself and go to the ladies’ room. When you’re in a stall, take out the surprise I put in your purse and insert it in its proper place. There’s a small bottle of lube in there to help out. Assuming you followed my directions about not wearing panties tonight, be careful when returning to our table. Don’t allow the object to fall out.”

Bri had obeyed her husband and Dom about being sans panties tonight, and hair-free below the waist. All week long, while he was at work, he’d been upping the ante, giving her increasingly risqué challenges. It made her week fly by. Sharing many intimate and powerful moments had deepened their connection, too.

This morning, before heading out to meet with his clients, Markus had instructed his wife to make a special trip to a drug store. He sent her on a mission to purchase the biggest enema bag she could find, preferably with a larger-than-normal nozzle. She’d tried to act less mortified than she felt when the young male cashier working the register noted her purchase with a knowing smirk. She felt naughty, which she was sure was her husband’s intent all along.

As instructed, she’d called Markus when she was safely ensconced in the hotel’s bathroom. Her husband-turned-Dom directed her through giving herself a warm, soapy enema. He’d hinted she would want to be as clean as possible tonight. She’d been equally looking forward to, and dreading, their next round of anal sex since Markus introduced her the previous weekend to the ultimate intimate act. She’d loved it at the time, but the thought of giving that most private part of herself to her husband again still scared her.

As she was lost in thought, Markus placed two fingers under her chin, gently tilting her face to look up at him. She saw his love for her revealed through his dark eyes. His manly five o’clock shadow magnified his sex appeal. He was absolutely the sexiest man in the entire room.

A fresh pang of guilt hit her when she remembered that she had almost destroyed her marriage to this amazing man less than a week ago. The panic of her near catastrophe snuck up on her when she least expected it. Luckily, Markus had become an expert at recognizing and fixing it.

“You’re doing it again. Stop panicking. Let me take care of you. Now go. I want you back here within ten minutes. I have another surprise for you.” He planted a tender kiss on her lips before pulling away and turning his attention to the blow-hard across the table.

She couldn’t help but smile as she was walking away from the table, hearing her husband come to the senator’s rescue. “I think we’ve had enough heavy talk for tonight. Jonathan, when was the last time you were in Chicago for a visit? Bri and I would love to have you stop out for dinner the next time you are in town.”

The ladies’ room was thankfully large and relatively empty. Once in the stall, Bri opened the small bag Markus had planted in her purse to find a small butt plug and bottle of lube. She was relieved to see there was a large flared end to the plug that should aid her in keeping it seated. Considering she had been an anal virgin less than one week ago, the realization that she was about to voluntarily shove something up her ass and then go out to join her husband at a charity event as if nothing was strange, struck her as funny.

Sometimes Bri had to pinch herself to be reminded how lucky she was that things had worked out as they did. She thought of her good fortune as she tentatively pushed the end of the lubed plug against her tightest hole. Spending a few minutes gently opening herself to the intrusion, she realized time was running out. She just needed to get it over with. With that in mind, she made one final push to insert the widest part of the plug until it was rooted inside. The discomfort of her tight sphincter stretching was intense. She stood up straight, moving around tentatively to ensure the plug was safely seated in her bowel. After a couple of minutes, she was accustomed to the intruder.

She took time to wash her hands and check her make-up before heading back to Markus. Bri had no watch, but she was almost certain she’d taken more than her allotted time. Her pulse quickened at the vision of her hunky husband pulling her across his lap to deliver a hard spanking for not obeying, in full view of their stuffy tablemates.

I’m really getting worried. I can’t stop obsessing over being spanked.

Since finding out her husband was more than happy to take her in hand, Bri had found it hard to make it through a single hour of the day without remembering how their already strong marriage was transforming into the kind of D/s marriage she had longed for. What worried her wasn’t just the spanking she yearned for. It was the total package—submission, discipline, intimacy, and surprisingly, humiliation. That last one shocked her, but there was no denying that the warm memories of the humiliation punishments delivered at The Punishment Pit were never far from her mind.

Still alone in the bathroom, Bri couldn’t resist snaking her fingers up under her long dress. She was so horny she was sure her naked pussy was visibly throbbing. Sliding her fingers through her wet cleft, she finished with a hard pinch to her clit, attempting to satisfy her ache.

She contemplated going back into a stall for some privacy when the door opened and a stately woman dressed in an elegant gown entered. Bri quickly dropped her naughty hand, wishing her own long gown into smooth submission. Sensing the woman had stopped and was staring, she looked up. The older woman’s revealing smirk told Bri all she needed to know. The woman knew exactly what she’d interrupted.

“You wouldn’t be Brianna, would you?”

Brianna was surprised. “Y-yes. I’m Brianna.”

“Thought so. Your husband is waiting outside. Seems he was worried something happened to you since you’d been gone so long from your table.”

“Oh. I’m fine. Thanks.”

The woman’s smile grew as she started to chuckle. “I think I’m starting to understand.”

Brianna was confused. “Understand what?”

“The second part of your husband’s message. He told me to get him right away if something was wrong, but if you were fine, he asked me to pass along a rather personal message.”

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