Page 71 of Balancing it All

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Tiffany made her way along the long hallway, passing by several storage closets and the large walk-in refrigerator. Lukus’s office was at the end of the hall, along with the large backstage dungeon where there was usually a lot of action before and after the shows.

When she got to the opening, she was amazed to find the dungeon empty. It was eerily quiet, until the shriek of a wailing submissive in the process of being walloped on the other side of the door filled the air. From the sounds of it, Derek was taking his job very seriously tonight. Each blistering blow of what sounded like a wooden paddle connecting with bare flesh was followed by heart-wrenching howls of pain. Despite the submissive’s distress, Tiffany found the involuntary clenching of her pussy unnerving. She hated that her body reacted like this to something that her brain told her she should run out and stop immediately.

Hoping Lukus had kept working instead of going out to take in the show, she ducked into his office. She was disappointed to find it empty, and surprised to see his phone sitting on his desk. While that may have explained why he hadn’t been answering, it only angered her more that he wasn’t keeping his phone on him when he should have been expecting her call.

She was halfway across the room to the small elevator she’d use to go to the loft when it hit her. Lukus had never not had his phone on him. Not once since she met him. Even when they were sleeping, his cell was on the bed stand, an arm’s length away.

Alarm bells were going off. She hated that the first reason—the only reason—she could think of as to why Lukus would have left his phone behind was if he were doing something he couldn’t be interrupted in the middle of. Like… no.

He wouldn’t do that. Not without talking to me first. He knows how I feel.

Her breaths were shallow as she mechanically dropped her purse and overnight bag on a nearby chair before turning to walk out to the backstage dungeon. The lingering sounds of the harsh punishment in progress a few feet away filled the space. One small, swinging door was all that separated her from the sobbing woman.

Tiffany paused, trying to think of any other plausible reason Lukus wouldn’t have his phone with him. She was just deciding if she were brave enough to crack the door open to take a peek when it became a moot point. Tears flooded her eyes as she heard the man she loved speaking loud and clear from center stage.

“I think I have your attention now, don’t I, Trisha?” The blubbering reply was too garbled for Tiff to understand what was said, but she wanted to throw her hands over her ears as Lukus continued on with his lecture as the paddle continued to rain down in a fast and furious rhythm.

“I’m so disappointed in you. You could have killed someone with your reckless behavior. You could have killed yourself with your reckless behavior. That is not acceptable, young lady. You are important to me. If you didn’t know it before tonight, then know it now.”

More unintelligible sobbing met Tiff’s ears. Lukus’s betrayal cut her. She had made it clear she didn’t approve of him doing shows. She had promised him she’d try to consider it for the future, particularly if she would be there to watch. But she hadn’t given her approval yet. Worse, she now understood he purposefully tried to hide this from her, thinking she was innocently waiting for him like a fool.

I wonder if he was ever planning to tell me—or was he going to lie when he saw me later?

She knew she should go back to his office and wait for him there. She should cool down so they could talk about this calmly. That was what a good little submissive would do.

Well, fuck being a good little submissive.

Sassy Tiffany wasn’t going to let a man walk all over her. Not even Master Lukus Mitchell.

Taking a deep breath, she went for broke, yanking the door to the stage open several inches. Only when she saw Lukus with his back to her, facing the audience as he stood next to a naked woman, spread wide and tied down to the spanking bench, did she finally believe it was true. She watched as Lukus, her Dom—fuck that—her boyfriend—softly stroked the lower back of the submissive in distress, using the same gentle caresses he used when he tried to comfort Tiff during an intimate spanking.

Lukus didn’t see Tiffany, but the punished submissive staring at her did. Despite the obvious physical pain the sub was in, a sly smile adorned her face when she realized Tiffany was witnessing the intimacy happening between her and the Master Dom.

Tiffany tore her eyes away from the woman to observe Lukus, holding her breath for the moment he would turn to see her. She waited as he stood facing the spanking bench, ready to deliver his next punishing strike.

As the crack filled the air, Tiffany’s eyes dropped to take in his profile. She shouldn’t be surprised. She’d known she’d find it there. It was always there during a punishment. It was the main reason she’d continued to request he not do shows.

There was no denying that her boyfriend was standing center stage, in front of a packed house, sporting a raging hard-on, ready to burst out of his too-tight jeans as he paddled another woman’s naked ass. As if on cue, the punished submissive let out a long groan as she dissolved into a powerful orgasm—courtesy of Master Lukus Mitchell.

It was too much. The sob that filled the stage next was not that of the punished submissive, but of a heartbroken Tiffany as she realized her worst fears were coming true.

His eyes snapped back to the source of the sound. She knew him well. It was easy to recognize his surprise, quickly replaced with a crush of guilt. Time stilled as they stared into each other eyes, both not sure what came next. Lukus took action first. Throwing the paddle to the floor, he made his choice. Instead of rushing to Tiffany to explain, he chose to lean intimately over the naked submissive to start releasing her from the spanking bench.

Reality was closing in. Past the loud ringing in her ears, she heard him telling the club that the show was over for the night. Tiff felt faint, and that just pissed her off. She turned, letting the stage door swing closed.

She was tempted to grab her bag and slink out to go lick her wounds, but that would have been too easy for Lukus. If he wanted to dump her, that was fine, but he better damn well have the balls to tell her like a man instead of fucking around on her behind her back.

Lukus Mitchell is about to regret ever meeting me.

The end, for now. To be continued in book five of the Punishment Pit series, Defending it All. Check out this short excerpt.

* * *


Lukus’s hands were shaking as he worked to unbuckle Trisha from the spanking bench. He was used to having not only Derek, but also Rachel, to help with the show. The thoroughly thrashed sub needed aftercare, but there was no way he was taking the time to comfort Trisha to make sure she came down safely from the intense session they’d just shared.

He felt like a complete ass because he’d been extra hard on her tonight, but he was desperate to get backstage to Tiffany. He was already feeling guilty as hell for leading the show without at least telling her ahead of time. Now, to see Tiff’s look of betrayal as she discovered it in the worst possible way filled Lukus with dread. Regardless, he knew he had a responsibility to see Trisha was okay.
