Page 9 of Balancing it All

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Brianna had an uneasy feeling that she was not going to like that message. “Do I want to ask?”

“I guess that depends.”


“On if you like spankings. He said to tell you he and his belt are waiting impatiently outside the door,” the woman said with a wink.

“Oh, shit.”

“Oh, honey. If only I were twenty-five years younger. You two are making me miss my departed husband. You do know you’re a very lucky woman, don’t you?”

Brianna’s heart was pounding so hard at the thought of Markus disciplining her with his belt.

He wouldn’t punish me in public, would he?

It took her a second to realize the woman was still standing nearby, watching and awaiting her reply. “You don’t know the half of it. I’m the luckiest woman on the planet.”

The woman had a look of satisfaction. “Well, I’m just glad you realize it. I’d get out there if I were you. I wouldn’t keep a handsome man like that waiting too long. There are plenty of vultures around here that may try to swoop in and steal him from you.”

“I’m not too worried, but well… thank you. You know… for the message.”

“You’re very welcome.”

Bri took a deep breath and opened the ladies’ room door. As promised, her husband was nearby, leaning casually against the wall, hands pushed into his tuxedo pants pockets, looking absolutely GQ. She flashed her brightest smile. “Hi, honey. Sorry I kept you waiting.” She laid it on thick. The picture of innocence.

“Were my instructions unclear?”

Brianna melted at his authoritative tone. It did funny things to her already discombobulated insides. “No, sir. It just took some time to get everything all taken care of as you asked.”

He didn’t speak. He took her hand, dragging her quickly behind him in the opposite direction of the party. They turned down another hallway, where there were even fewer patrons.

When they arrived at what appeared to be a dead end—two closed heavy doors—she assumed they’d turn around. Instead, Markus surprised her by leading them through the unlocked doors, making sure to close them.

There was just enough low lighting to see they were in a deserted hallway. Her heart rate jumped as Markus lifted her into a fireman’s hold, throwing her unceremoniously over his broad shoulder. He moved them quickly to a door marked “family restroom.”

“Markus! I don’t think we’re supposed to be here. Put me down!”

With a sharp smack to her upturned ass, he let her know what he thought of her idea. “Shush. We need to be quiet and fast. We can’t be gone too long, but there’s no way I’m waiting until we get back to the hotel to punish you. If we’re going to be subjected to that blow-hard babbling all night, I can at least enjoy watching you squirm in your seat, knowing your ass is properly punished and plugged. If we’re really lucky, we’ll have enough time for a quickie and you can enjoy my cum seeping out to stain my naughty slut’s beautiful dress.”

Hearing her Dom call her a slut for the first time, Brianna nearly self-combusted on the spot. The only person to call her that derogatory name before was Jake. She thought she hated the word. Only now did she realize it wasn’t the word she hated—it was the man who’d used it. From the lips of her loving husband, in the current scenario, it was hot as hell. She wanted to be his naughty slut in private.

Markus deposited Bri on her ass atop a waist-high marble countertop. Her husband moved with purpose, pushing her to lie backwards, flat on her back. Then he slung her dangling legs up and over her body, doubling her in half so her feet were near her ears and her plugged ass was now bared, front and center for her husband’s inspection.

“Fuck, that’s the hottest thing I’ve seen in my entire life; seeing you displayed before me like this, sweetheart, that plug filling your ass. Shit, we need to hurry. I’ve got to get one off or I’m never going to get through the rest of this night. Hold your legs for me.”

Brianna was as eager to feel it as her husband was to be inside her. The woman had interrupted her much too early in the bathroom. She couldn’t wait for Markus to scratch her itch.

The distinctive whoosh of his belt pulling out of his pants cranked up her excitement to a fever pitch. To most women, that sound struck fear. For Brianna, pain was mere foreplay. Not only did she have a high pain tolerance, but the pain actually enhanced her sexual experience. Markus may not have known her secret for the first three years of their marriage, but he was making up for lost time.

The first crack of his belt against her milky ass put a stop to her wandering thoughts. The pain was sharp; the loud crack as leather met flesh was as exciting as the lingering burn the implement left in its wake. Markus delivered a quick volley, leaving Brianna breathless. She absorbed the pain like a flower absorbs hot summer sunrays. It might have burned, but it also aroused her, and fed her much-needed nutrients.

They must have been ten lashes in before Markus stopped to address his wayward wife. “Why are you being punished, Brianna?”

“Because I took too long in the bathroom. You told me to hurry back to the table.”

“Yes. Your dallying in there cut into our time here. You’ve cut our time so short we may not have time to fit in a fuck. As you can imagine, that doesn’t make me happy, does it?”

“No sir. I’m not happy about it either.”
