Page 10 of Disciplined

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He pushed down his reluctance. It was time. She’d more than earned it.

Yet no matter how many times he’d told Presley there would be physical punishments for broken rules, telling her and showing her were two very different things. History had shown him that some women just couldn’t handle giving over that kind of control.

And sadly, it had also shown him that no matter how much he tried, he wouldn’t live his life watering down his dominance because in the end, he’d only lose respect for himself.

It was time. Elijah was still at the bar. When he glanced in their direction, Caleb waved him over.

“Hey, I wasn’t planning on seeing my naughty girl tonight, so I don’t have my bag with me. Any chance I can borrow a paddle?”

Elijah threw a disapproving glance at Presley which only made her burrow into his chest even more.

“Sure, let me grab one from my bag in the office. Any special preference? Wood? Leather? Lexan? I’m always partial to the cane or tawse if you need to make a lasting impression.”

He was laying it on thick. Caleb felt like an asshole for smiling.

“I think a wood paddle will do nicely. With holes if you have it.”

“One paddle coming right up,” Elijah replied cheerfully.

“Daddy… please. I’m so sorry. Can’t we talk about this some more?”

“Oh, we will talk about it more, I promise.”

“That’s not what I mean. Do we have to do this here?” she pleaded.

“What better place? Now, let’s get moving into the dungeon. The sooner we get your punishment over, the sooner all will be forgiven, and we can move on to more fun activities. I’ve missed you.”

Caleb didn’t bother putting her feet on the ground, choosing to scoop her up into his arms and carry her through the bar and into the heart of the club.

He stood just inside the red velvet curtain until his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. The music seemed especially loud as he weaved through the platforms spread around the open floor plan.

The club was hopping with all different kinds of kinks. On a normal night, he’d have enjoyed playing voyeur with Presley, letting her watch different scenes to help decide what her limits might be and what kinks she wanted to try together.

But tonight wasn’t about kinks. And it wasn’t about playing or scening. Tonight would be as real as this lifestyle he’d chosen got.

The last platform in the corner near the pool was open. He carried Presley up the few steps and finally lowered her feet to the wooden floor.

Slipping into his dominance, he donned his best Daddy glare and ordered her to “Strip.”

Her eyes darted around, nervously looking to see how many people might be watching. There may not be many now, but he was pretty sure they’d draw a crowd once the punishment got underway.

While she divested herself of her expensive dress, shoes, and intimates, Caleb pulled a heavy piece of furniture from against the back wall into the middle of the platform.

He had to hand it to the Cartwright-Davidsons. They had the best BDSM furniture hands down. This piece was a cross between a more traditional spanking bench and an old-fashioned pillory. His cock twitched to life just thinking of seeing his girl naked and restrained, let alone wriggling to free herself from the thick leather belts and buckles that would hold her immobile for her punishment.

Before he led her to the bench, he pulled her naked body against his, into a warm hug. Christ, he’d missed her while he was away.

He pushed the urge to kiss her aside. That would have to wait until after her discipline.

Looking down into her eyes, he said, “Before we start, I want to go over why you are being punished so we have no miscommunication.”

“I know. I was stupid.”

“No, you weren’t stupid. You were just weak. Tempted. You’ve developed some bad money habits that I’m going to help you break.”

“Just so long as you don’t plan on breaking me in the process.”

“Baby, that’s the last thing I want.”
