Page 9 of Disciplined

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He watched her carefully for defiance, but her guilt was plastered all over her face.

“What am I supposed to do with you?” he finally asked, releasing a sigh.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, every time I turn around lately, you’re breaking one of the rules we agreed to. You know what that makes me feel like?” He paused, and when she didn’t answer, he added. “It makes me feel like you’re just saying, ‘fuck you, Daddy. You’re not important enough to have any power over me.’”

“No! That’s not it at all!”

“Oh, how else can I interpret it? How am I ever supposed to trust that you’re going to listen. Tonight, it was just about spending money and cutting work. How will I trust you when it’s something much more important like your safety and wellbeing?”

“You can trust me. I promise.”

“Sorry, baby girl, but trust has to be earned and right now, you’re in the hole with me.”

“I really am sorry. I just had some last-minute expenses come up for the wedding. Sydney wanted us all to have matching shoes and purses. I promise, I’m going to pay you back. And I would have asked you before, but you were out of town.”

“I had my phone. And what about not going to work tonight? Are you trying to get fired?”


“Where are we?”

“Black Light.”

“So, let’s get back in the habit. How should you answer me?”

“Sir. No, Sir.”

“That’s right. You don’t need to call me sir when we are out with our friends and family, but when we are at Black Light or alone, I want you to use Sir or Daddy.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Now… I know you’ve been dreading this day, but what do you think I need to do about all of the broken rules while I was away?”

Caleb watched her intently, enjoying how her cheeks turned a cute shade of pink as she realized what he was asking. No matter how tired he was, he was determined not to let her off the hook.

“I’m waiting. What do you think is going to happen tonight?”

Her lips parted and her breaths were short and shallow. His baby girl was struggling to say the inevitable.

“You’re going to…” she paused, unable to finish.

“Yes? What am I going to do?”

A full thirty seconds went by before she whispered, “Spank me.”

Oh, my cute naive little Presley.

“No. You haven’t earned a spanking.” He paused long enough to let relief start to flood into her eyes before laying down the hammer. “You’ve earned a paddling. A true punishment. And if I do it right, you’re going to hate every single minute of it.”

With each word her eyes grew wider. The blue glazed over with fresh tears, and he hated the panic he saw growing in her gaze.

As a sadist, he’d halfway looked forward to this day, having been missing some of the impact implements he enjoyed using on submissives in the past. But since Presley was new to the lifestyle, he’d been going slow… indoctrinating her into the power exchange lifestyle by first finding the kinks that they both enjoyed and introducing her to the fun side of BDSM first.

But he’d known this day would come and if he was honest with himself, he was as afraid to truly punish her as she probably was to be punished since this was where so many of his past relationships had crumbled.

The thought made him pause. Maybe he should hold off? Wait until he wasn’t jet lagged.
