Page 30 of Disciplined

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Even better, his baby girl was naked and positioned awkwardly bent over the side of the bed, her ass facing him and the door. Because his bed was high, Presley’s feet weren’t even touching the ground.

“You’re still here,” he gushed with relief.


Taking a few steps into the room, Caleb walked to the end of the bed where he had the perfect view of the sleeping Presley. Her hair was still damp, and her wet towel lay in a heap on the floor beneath her feet.

His mind raced, trying to decipher the scene. Hope flared. Had she been waiting in position to receive a punishment? There was only one way to know for sure.

Leaning down, he stroked her cheek softly with the back of his fingers as he gently tried to wake her. “Baby, you can’t be comfortable laying like this.”

Presley stirred, releasing that soft cooing noise she often made in her sleep. It was just one of the million things he loved about her. As he increased the pressure of his stroking hand, her eyes slowly opened. A small smile was on her lips until she must have remembered their earlier disagreement.

“You’re home!” she said, rolling enough to put her feet on the ground, but instead of standing, she ended up in a crumpled heap on the floor.

“Whoa, what the hell?” Caleb said, trying his best to catch her but failing. “How long have you been laying like that?” he asked.

“I don’t know. How long were you gone?” she answered, rubbing and patting her legs.

Caleb kneeled and started helping her massage her feet while adding, “Long enough that your feet fell asleep. Why weren’t you laying up on the pillow if you needed a nap?”

A pink flush covered the bridge of her nose and cheeks as she admitted, “I wanted to show you what I’d learned while you were gone.”

His heart rate surged as he let hope take hold that they might make it through after all.

“I can’t wait to hear what you learned, but let’s get you up on the bed first,” he said, pushing to his feet and scooping her naked body up from the floor. He enjoyed the feel of her against his chest.

“Now, what did you learn from the blogs and websites?” he asked after laying her next to him as he sat on the edge of the mattress.

Presley glanced around nervously, unable to look him in the eyes until he reached out to pinch her chin between his thumb and fingers, leaving her no choice but to look into his eyes.

“It was interesting,” she said softly.

“Interesting. Which parts?”

“I don’t know. I guess how calm it all felt.”

There were a lot of words he thought she might use, but calm wasn’t one of them.

She’d stunned him into silence, so she kept talking. “The wife had broken some really major rules, and yes… the spanking she got was awful… but… I don’t know. I liked that her husband didn’t yell at her or lose his temper. It was more like he was just disappointed, not angry.”

Thank goodness. She really had listened carefully.

“How did that make you feel?” he pried.

“I don’t know,” she admitted.

“Did it make you mad that he used a paddle on her bottom?”

He could tell she didn’t want to admit the truth because she kept trying to look away.


“I wasn’t mad, no.”

“Okay, that’s good. What were you feeling?” He held his breath, his future still in her hands.

The pink across the bridge of her nose was back.
