Page 31 of Disciplined

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“Part of me was embarrassed for her,” she admitted before adding, “And part of me…”


“I guess it made me all tingly, like when we’re at Black Light, except different. It’s hard to put into words.”

Boy did he understand that. He clearly hadn’t put things into the right words yet either. He’d try again.

“Was it maybe your desire to submit to me just like that woman did to her own husband?”

“Maybe… I mean don’t get me wrong, when he started using the paddle on her, making her cry, it was scary, but then…”

He kept his eyes on her, watching for fear and finding a look more like humiliation shining back at him.

“My own butt started to tingle, just thinking about receiving such a harsh punishment from you.”

“Was that what made you feel calm?”

“Oh God, no,” she blurted, before adding, “That was later… after…”

“After the paddling and his lecture ended?”

“Sort of.”

What else was left? He tried to remember which websites he had left up for her. There were many helpful sites on the DD lifestyle out there.

“What else happened then?”

“Please don’t tell me that you want to make me stand in the corner. That is so childish,” she pouted.

She wasn’t going to like his answer.

“Sorry, but I’m a firm believer that corner time is great for reflection time, and it will get both of us in the right frame of mind—both before and after a punishment.”

“Oh,” she sighed.

“Was that what made it feel calm?”

“Not really.”

He could see he would have to pull every feeling out of her one by one, but he was more than willing to do that. At least they were talking, and she wasn’t calling him a patriarchal asshole like his first girlfriend out of college had.

“What else did you notice in the video?”

Her eyes darted away, but a slight pinch to her chin again brought her attention back to him.

“The penance she had to pay,” she said softly.

Ah, now they were getting somewhere.

“On her knees?”


“Did she have to swallow?” he asked, knowing full well the video she had watched, and more importantly knowing Presley may love sucking his cock, but she hated swallowing his cum.

He only got a nod from her this time. He watched her reaction carefully, suspecting she both loved and hated the idea of him face-fucking her after a true punishment.

“And you want to know if that is something I’ll have you do, right?”
