Page 37 of Disciplined

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“Grrrrr.” Had she just growled?

“Naughty submissives don’t get pleasure in the middle of their punishments. Let’s finish up here so we can get back to having fun again,” he said.

The middle? She’d thought he was done with her correction. Her body tensed again just as the dreaded thud of the heavy brush connected with her butt again. And again.

Oh God, she wasn’t sure how much more she could take. A little whisper in her brain kept promising her that Caleb would never do lasting harm to her, but it was hard to hear that voice when the rest of her felt ready to burst into flames from the roasting of her bottom.

She was grateful when he finally stopped the thwacks until he announced, “Time to wrap this up. Today we’ll end with ten extra hard swats. After each one, I want you to count and then say, “Thank you, Daddy. I promise to do better next time.”

Could this get any more humiliating?

She’d thought he had been spanking her at full strength before. After swat one, Presley knew just how wrong she’d been. It ignited a patch of fire where he’d struck, stealing her breath away.

Only after she’d gasped for air was she able to cry out, “One!”

Several long seconds passed as she attempted to recover enough to finally whisper, “Thank you, Daddy. I promise…”

What else was she supposed to say?

Caleb helped her. “I promise to do better next time.”

She parroted the words, while bracing herself for the next swat.

“Two!” she yelled, taking several cleansing breaths before adding, “Thank you, Daddy. I promise to do better next time.”

“I expect you will,” he said as he laid down the next strike.


On and on the discipline went until there was only one more left. She held her breath waiting, instinctually knowing this one would be the worst of the bunch.

She wasn’t wrong. The last thwack was centered at the bottom of her butt right where her ass met her legs.

I’ll be feeling that one every time I sit for the rest of the day.

Only after she’d thanked him did she hear the brush fall to the floor.

Presley was grateful Caleb let her just stay sprawled like a limp rag doll, still across his lap. The brush of his fingers lightly tracing across her bottom added to her discomfort until those same fingers moved higher, gently massaging her lower back, helping her to calm down.

It was over. As much as she’d hated the punishment while it was happening, she couldn’t help but be proud of herself for making it through.

It was impossible to know how long they stayed like that, but as minutes passed, the agony of the brushing started morphing into a more manageable burning. Unbelievably, the heat started to migrate from her butt to her wet folds until she even felt her core cramping from an almost instinctual urge for Caleb to fuck her—to claim her sexually with the same primal authority as he’d used meting out the discipline.

Two quick spanks with his hand to her bottom corresponded with him releasing the hold he had on her body with his legs.

“On your knees,” he ordered.

Following his direction was easy since she didn’t think she’d be able to stand on her wobbly legs yet anyway.

Kneeling before him, Presley was suddenly self-conscious of what a mess she must look like. She sniffled, swiping at the remaining tears clinging to her face with the back of her hand.


She hesitated, unsure if she was ready to look her Daddy in the eye after going through her first real punishment.

His fingers moved under her chin, lifting her face up until she had no choice but to make eye contact. She was thankful she wasn’t standing because it felt like the earth shook beneath her as she felt the full force of Caleb’s dominance. The sight of him truly took her breath away.

He’d always been handsome and sexy, but there was something new in his eyes staring back at her. A possessiveness that hadn’t been there before. It had a way of making her feel more protected—more loved— than at any other time in her life.
