Page 36 of Disciplined

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The carpet below her grew blurry from her tears pooling. Gravity gave an assist, and she was as helpless to stop the drops from falling to the floor as she was to stop her Dom’s punishment.

The spanking only got worse when Caleb loosened the vice grip his legs had on her lower body just enough to unveil the curve of her bottom where her ass met her thighs. She had to grab onto the chair’s bottom rails to steady herself.

Her first sob corresponded with the hard hairbrush pelting her tender sit-spots on both sides. Her panic was real. If she thought for a second he’d accept it, she’d be cryingredat the top of her lungs, but even in her precarious state, she knew it would do no good.

It was a toss-up as to what hurt worse—her burning butt or her breaking heart. How in the world would she be able to stay with Caleb if it meant being subjected to humiliating and painful punishments like this? Hell, this wasn’t even the worst of it. If she stayed with him, she’d be expected to accept that horrible paddle, or God-forbid one day the cane.

The thought of losing him only made her weeping worse. Her nose was running, contributing to the mess below her on the carpet.

When she was sure she couldn’t stand it even one more second, she flailed with all her might, swinging her right arm back and smacking Caleb’s swinging hand. She may have succeeded in stopping that one blow, but it didn’t take her long to regret not staying in position.

“Naughty, naughty, girl,” he admonished, stopping long enough to snatch her wrist, holding her hand immobile at the small of her back, out of the way of his resuming swats that she was sure were now even harder.

Presley flailed. She cried. She begged. She spent every ounce of her energy until there was nothing left to do but collapse like a wet noodle across her disciplinarian’s lap. All fight was gone, leaving an odd sense of complete surrender in its wake.

It was almost like Caleb had been waiting for her to finally yield to his authority because it was only when she lay limp, submitting to him without struggling, that he began to lecture her.

“I see you’re finally ready to listen to your lesson, young lady.”

The swats peppering her bottom continued uninterrupted.

“Why are you being punished?”

Did he honestly expect her to speak? To form words… sentences?

A faster volley of even harder swats was her answer.

“I…” Her mouth felt like it was full of cotton from crying out and breathing heavy. Clearing her throat, she tried again. “I lied.”

“Yes, and you’re better than that. I will not accept you telling lies. Not to me and not to others. Am I making myself understood?”

Her “Yes, Sir,” was little more than a whimper.

“Why else are you being punished today?”

“Spent money.”

For the first time since he’d begun, Caleb stopped the punishment long enough to finish his lecture. The paddling may have stopped, but her scorched backside throbbed.

“No, you aren’t being punished for spending money. You’re being punished for spending too much money without talking with me first. It isn’t about the money, Presley. It’s about knowing I can trust you to abide by the rules I set for you. Today it is money, but in the future it could be something much more important, like rules around your safety. If I can’t trust you to follow my orders, how am I going to keep you safe?”

Even through her own pain, she heard the concern in his voice at keeping her out of danger.

Caleb wasn’t done with his lecture. “What will you do the next time you’re in that situation?”

When she didn’t answer, he squeezed her right butt cheek in his palm, drawing a long gasp of agony from her.

Her mind raced to form words. “I’ll… call you.”

“Good girl,” he said, releasing her ass before sliding his fingers into the crease of her butt.

Presley tried to rear up, but he was too strong. She felt his fingers brushing lower, stopping to pop a fingertip or two into her anus before stroking lower.

Her brain had hated every second of the punishment but Caleb’s fingers sliding through her sopping wet pussy proved the rest of her body had other ideas. The dichotomy of pain and pleasure, just inches away from each other, overwhelmed her. She released a loud groan unlike any sound she’d ever made before when her Daddy pinched her clit hard. She was sure her face had to be as red with embarrassment as her toasted bottom.

“More… please,” she begged, breathless.

His fingers pulled away immediately.
