Page 43 of Disciplined

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Presley could barely look herself in the eyes as she stood in front of the full-length mirror in the Black Light locker room. As fantastic and sexy as the scene had been with Caleb, now that she was back under the harsh florescent lighting, there was no hiding from her regret.

She should have told him how disastrously the afternoon with her friends had gone the minute she’d arrived. Even now, hours later, her heart rate spiked remembering the stressful few hours leading up to her late arrival. Had Caleb known all of the reasons she’d been delayed, she was sure he wouldn’t have been nearly as understanding.

It was so tempting to try to keep the day’s events a secret from him, knowing he would not be happy with her and her friends for their poor decisions. It was Stephanie, after all that had made the major mistake, not her. She shouldn’t have to get in trouble for her friend’s problems too. Except, in her heart, she knew she shared at least part of the blame.

She’d hidden in the locker room long enough. Caleb told her he’d wait for her near the exit in the security locker room. Once they were safely in his car, she’d come clean and that way, if they got in an argument, at least it wouldn’t be in public.

Plastering on a smile, she headed toward the exit, but the second her eyes connected with her Daddy’s, she knew their discussion wasn’t going to wait another minute. The scowl on Caleb’s face spoke volumes and her heart hammered in her chest, knowing the last half of their night wasn’t going to be nearly as fun as the first half had been.

“I can explain,” she stammered as he silently grabbed her by her bicep to guide her out the exit into the cool evening air.

She wasn’t sure how much or what he’d learned while she’d been getting dressed, but based on the long angry strides he was taking, making her almost run in her high-heels to keep up with him, she suspected it was more than enough to land her in the trouble she’d known was coming.

It wasn’t until they reached the passenger door of his SUV that he pulled them to stop. Instead of opening the door to let her in, Caleb pressed her back against the car and placed his hands above her shoulders, effectively trapping her between the hard steel of the car and his even harder glare.

“What the fuck kinda games are you trying to play, little girl?” he demanded.

Shit. He’s even more angry than she’d expected him to be.

“I can explain.”

“You said that, but I honestly can’t think of one possible explanation that is going to help me understand what the hell happened today. And even more importantly, why you didn’t call me immediately, or at the absolute minimum, tell me about it the very second you arrived at Black Light.”

“I didn’t want to ruin our night,” she reasoned.

“You didn’t want to ruin our night. Seriously? That’s all you got?”

Presley really wish she knew what he knew and how he’d found out anything at all.

“What? I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion. After all, it’s Stephanie that is in the most trouble here.”

“Are you shitting me? That’s really where you want to take this?”

“I was going to tell you as soon as we got into the car.” She should have stopped there, but couldn’t resist adding, “I don’t even understand how you know anything anyway. Were you prying into my phone? Don’t you trust me?”

“That’s rich, Presley. You want to deflect the blame for your debacle of a day on me. From where I’m sitting, you’ve proven that you haven’t earned my trust.”

Tears blurred her vision. Caleb was so angry at her. Even more angry than he had been last month after her stupid spending spree before Sydney’s wedding. Things had been going so smoothly since then, but here… tonight, the skin on her ass started tingling in anticipation of the punishment she suspected was coming her way.

Caleb sighed before running his fingers through his hair. He then stepped back and reached for the handle to the car.

“Get in,” he ordered as he opened the door, slamming it much too hard once she was seated.

Presley’s mind raced, overwhelmed with all that had happened today. The sexy scene they’d just shared at Black Light had made her feel so close to Caleb, but out here in the dark of the cool evening air, the haze of subspace was long gone, leaving behind only two things. Fear of losing Caleb and and an irrational anger that he couldn’t be more understanding and flexible like her friend’s daddies were.

The ten-minute drive to Caleb’s house was uncomfortably silent. She’d expected him to be interrogating her or at the minimum yelling. It honestly would have been preferable to the silence pushing a wedge between them.

Only when he’d pulled his car into the garage and turned off the engine did Caleb speak.

“I want you upstairs, naked, and standing in the corner in two minutes.”

Things were escalating faster than she was prepared for. Remembering how horrible her first and only punishment spanking had been had her pulse skyrocketing. On some level she’d known staying with Caleb meant there were be more spankings in her future, but she honestly didn’t think she deserved one today.

“But… aren’t we even going to talk about this? You haven’t even asked me what happened? None of this was my fault,” she argued.

“We are not going to discuss this in the car, but I can assure you, we will be discussing everything in great detail, but not until after I calm down and you rethink your claim of having no fault in the day’s events.”

Presley sat frozen in her seat, trying her best not to burst out crying.
