Page 44 of Disciplined

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When she didn’t move, Caleb added. “What’s it going to be, Presley? Are you going to go upstairs and prepare to be honest with me or am I driving you back to your house?”

“I never intended to not be honest,” she defended.

“Yeah, well unfortunately that ship already sailed. Now you have two choices. Upstairs or I take you home.”

Despite the tears blurring her vision, she reached to open the car door. She had no idea how this had all blown up so spectacularly, but the only thing she hated the idea of worse than receiving a punishment from her Daddy was being taken home by him instead.

Each step she took through Caleb’s beautiful home took her closer to the dreaded consequences of her day. If she thought for a minute he would give her her cell phone she would have asked him to return it so she could see what messages he might have seen and be better prepared for his questions. Instead she’d be going into the upcoming conversation blind.

Her fingers trembled as she pulled her new little black dress over her head, folding it neatly and placing it on the innocent looking chair next to Caleb’s dresser. She knew from experience that once that straight-backed chair was pulled into the middle of the room, it became Caleb’s accomplice in punishment delivery.

Her shoes and intimates came off next until she stood naked as she’d been instructed. She hated the idea of standing in the corner. As a grown woman, she shouldn’t need to be treated like a child.

Stepping into place, she assumed the position Caleb had taught her—arms behind her back, breasts pressed out, brushing the wall and legs shoulder-length apart. Only once she was in the corner did she regret not going to the bathroom before getting in place.

Without a clock, it was impossible to tell how much time passed while she waited with dread for Caleb to join her. Her emotions were on a rollercoaster ride, shifting between anger and fear, regret and resolve and back and forth all over again until she could no longer hold back the tears streaking down her cheeks.

It figured that Caleb choose that moment to open the door to the bedroom. Presley tried not to sniffle as she listened to him moving around the room. As tempting as it was to try to peek in his direction to see if he looked calmer, she resisted, waiting for him to instruct her before moving out of position.

“Come take a seat,” he ordered sounding like a drill sergeant.

Yep, he’s still angry.

Presley’s muscles appreciated the change in position, but sitting naked in the middle of the room while her fully-clothed Dom stood in over her, his arms crossed across his chest was a whole different kind of uncomfortable.

She bit her tongue to keep from defending herself. She was at least smart enough to let him speak first.

Almost a full minute passed before Caleb asked his first surprising question.

“Tell me what the four D’s are,” he demanded.

Caught off guard, Presley scrambled to answer, “Danger, deception, disrespect, and…” What the hell was the fourth one?

Several seconds passed before Caleb supplied the fourth D; “Disobey.”

Oh yes, she always tried to forget about that one because it felt like the most childish and old fashioned of the four rules.

“Say it,” he ordered.


“Okay, now that we have those front of mind, let’s review your day and how you seem to have broken each and every one of the rules all on the same day. Most importantly, did you or did you not get stopped by the police for suspicion of drunk driving this afternoon?”

Shit… he knows about the worst.

“I wasn’t driving,” she defended.

“I didn’t ask that. Was the car you were riding in get pulled over for a DUI? Yes or no?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“And had you and your girlfriends had alcoholic drinks prior to getting into that car?”

“We did, but we weren’t drunk!” she complained. “It was only some champagne and happy hour specials. Everyone knows bartenders water those down like crazy!”

Caleb ignored her justification and instead asked, “And did you eat dinner while you enjoyed your happy hour drinks?”

“We had the appetizers at the bar.”
