Page 46 of Disciplined

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“I’m sorry.”

“You know, I think right now the only thing you feel sorry for is that you got caught. I’m not sure you honestly feel as bad for breaking the rules.”

“That’s not true. I did feel guilty in the locker room. I know you don’t believe me, but I really was going to tell you about everything after we got home. I just didn’t want to ruin our fun at Black Light.”

“So instead you kept secrets from me so they could blow up in our faces and ruin the surprise trip I have planned for this weekend. That’s why I asked that you made sure to have off this whole weekend.”

Oh no. “What trip?”

“Oh, that’s not important right now. All you need to know is that I’m very disappointed in your decisions. I love you with all my heart and it hurts me that you would do anything intentionally that might hurt yourself or our relationship.”

God, she hated feeling like a naughty child. Why couldn’t Caleb be more like Marc. Stephanie had been the one who got arrested and she wasn’t even in any kind of trouble with her boyfriend. He’d even come to pick her up and used his connections to have her released right away without even going to the police department. She’ll end up getting off with just a fine at the most.

Except was that really fair? She had driven drunk. In fact, Presley had had her Uber app open and was about to call a car for the girls when Stephanie had insisted on driving instead. Caleb was right. There was absolutely no reason any of them should have been behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.

“I really am sorry,” she finally offered.

“I guess that’s a good start. Now… what is going to happen next?”

“I hate that you ask that question,” Presley whined.

“And I hate that I have to ask the question so I guess we’re even.”

“Hardly. Only one of us is going to be on the receiving end of the punishment that is coming my way.”

For the first time since they’d left Black Light, a small smile softened Caleb’s face. “I know you don’t believe me, but I really don’t like truly punishing you any more than you like being on the receiving end as you put it.”

“Then why do it? If you don’t like it…”

“Shhh. We’ve talked about this. I have no interest in having the kind of relationship Stephanie and Marc have, Presley. She could have gotten herself and her best friends killed today and instead of being held accountable and learning a valuable lesson, Marc is going to help her sweep the whole thing under the rug like it never happened. They have enough money to be able to buy their way out of almost any rough spot, but those aren’t the kind of morals and values I want to live my life by.

“I guess the only real question is what kind of life do you choose to live?”

Presley’s heart raced. If only that question had come in the form of a proposal. They’d talked around the subject of marriage many times, especially since her first punishment session the month before. She may not know when he might pop the question, but she did know that if she ever planned on saying yes, she had only one answer right now.

“I want a life with you. Like you said… I want to be riding in the car of life with you and no one else.”

Why did it look like he was relieved? Had Caleb actually thought she might walk away from him, as if she even could?

“Even if I’m the one who always drive?” he asked.

“Especially if you’re driving because you’ll never put me in danger.”

“Damn straight and that’s the best news, since you’re the only person I want riding in my car with me, well at least until I put some babies into this belly of yours.” His palm laid across her tummy. Just the thought of having Caleb’s baby growing inside her made her core clench with a deep need that only her Daddy had found the way to quench.

He was her future. He wanted nothing but to protect her… love her… guide her.

And tonight, that meant he was going to punish her because she’d earned it.

Caleb pushed to his feet, pulling her up along side him before taking her hand to lead her across the room. She’d expected him to put her over his lap like last time, or maybe to have her bend over the end of the bed like in the video she’d watched. Instead, he took her to the comfortable loveseat facing the fireplace with the flatscreen TV above it. They’d spent many happy hours snuggled together, watching shows, reading or even napping.

When Caleb pressed on her lower back and ordered her to, “Bend over,” Presley knew she’d be adding a new, less fun, activity to the list for the versatile piece of furniture.

The back of the couch was exactly waist high. As soon as she folded herself over the soft cushion, Presley found herself going onto her tippy toes to help support her body’s weight. It got harder when Caleb pulled first her left and then right arm wide, attaching each wrist to an already secured leather cuff. While she was grateful the restraints were fur lined, her arms were spread wide enough that they couldn’t support her body weight at all which left her face mashed into the back cushion and the bulk of her body pressing down directly on her bladder.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” she blurted.

“Good. That will add more discomfort to your punishment.”

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