Page 47 of Disciplined

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She was in so much trouble. She had no choice but to hang there, her ass on display, just waiting to be lit on fire by whatever instrument of torture he decided on using from the supply cabinet she could hear him rummaging through across the room. She wiggled around, doing her best to get at least her toes to touch the ground, relieving the pressure on her bladder briefly.

She was expecting pain, Caleb’s fingers prying the cheeks of her butt apart surprised her. It was the cold wetness he applied to her puckered private hole that had her bucking to get free.

“No! You can’t touch me there.”

“Oh my naive Presley, of course I can. We talked about this. There is absolutely no part of your body that is off-limits to me, remember?”

“Sure… about one day having anal sex. But not…”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence. She was too distracted by something hard getting shoved into her virgin hole.

“Owie!!!” She cried out, only that wasn’t exactly the right word. It didn’t really hurt. It felt weird… like she was full and needed to go to the bathroom.

“Be glad I’m starting you with the smallest butt plug I have. I won’t always be as accommodating.”

“Oh goodie.”

“Oh Presley, I love you. Even in the middle of a punishment you can still make me smile.”

“I’m glad one of us is smiling,” she retorted.

Except that was a lie. Thankfully her face being mashed into the couch cushion hid her grin. She knew she was going to hate the pain about to come her way, but even she had to admit to loving the intimacy she felt with Caleb in that raw moment.



Caleb used the time washing his hands to take a few deep breaths, making sure he was in the right head space for the coming punishment session. Now that the initial shock of Presley’s reckless behavior of the day had worn off, he was just so grateful that things hadn’t been any worse. She could have been hurt or behind the wheel herself.

He intended to make sure she knew just how much trouble she’d be in if she ever contemplated doing something as boneheaded again in the future.

Standing behind the love of his life, he took a moment to admire how beautiful she was, laid out waiting or his correction. The end of the small plug peaked out from between her bottom cheeks, calling out to be replaced by his hard cock.

One day soon, that would happen, but not today.

It was time. He reached to the buckle of his belt, undoing it and pulling the two-inch leather from the loops of his pants, letting the end snap loud enough to give Presley a hint of what was about to happen.

Last time he’d used his hand and a hairbrush. He’d gone easy on her, easing her into her first discipline session. That would not be happening again tonight. She’d earned a stern punishment and that’s what she was going to get.

Stepping into place just to the side of her body, Caleb secured the belt in his hand to ensure the buckle would never hurt her. He took a deep breath and delivered the first stroke of his belt.

Her “Ouch!” was immediate and not unexpected.

A line of pink started to appear across the center of her cute butt just as he landed his second stroke. This one was harder, leaving Presley too short of breath to cry out.

Caleb laid down a steady stream of a dozen belt lashes, one after the other, never stopping long enough for Presley to catch her breath. Instead, she flailed in her restraints like a wild cat.

It took a few long seconds for Presley to catch her breath enough to get a sob out after he’d stopped. He knew he was being a hardass, but she’d earned this lesson. Still, he closed the distance between them, placing his hand softly at the small of her back to try to help calm her.

It took a moment for her to finally collapse like a wet noodle against the loveseat. It was what he’d waited for.

Taking a step back, Caleb proceeded with the next round of a dozen belt strokes, this time making sure to deliver a handful lower to her sit spot where her cute butt met her thighs. If he did his job right tonight, she’d be feeling this when she went back to work on Monday morning.

The next set of twelve she was yelling at him to stop. Begging. Promising she would never do it again.

He knew he was getting his message through to her loud and clear, but they weren’t quite done yet.

It wasn’t until Presley had flailed and fought, cussed and begged, and then laid limp, finally accepting the pain as her punishment that Caleb knew it was time for his lecture.
