Page 7 of Shield My Heart

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Cassandra had always said that Lily needed to live her life to the fullest, as you’d never know when something could happen that would change everything. I never did get her philosophy before, but now it was a stark reminder of what my reality was like. I didn’t have my Lily anymore to push those boundaries with and explore all those dreams I’d had when I was younger. Instead, I had given up on my plans to have my own family and my life had forged new paths; specifically, to protect women like my sister in the musical world. So, why was I drawn to helping this actress? She was a woman with a high-profiled career in which I knew nothing about the risk factors. I had to go on my gut instinct and nothing else.

“Barrett, I’m heading to Los Angeles. I need you to get Memphis on the phone. I want him to be stationed at Victory Studios watching Miss Charlotte Baxterly,” I announced in a calm, even tone that didn’t match the churning in my gut that I was currently experiencing. I had to get my head in the game and fast.

“The actress?” he questioned, with a startled tone. “Why would Cassandra be calling you about an actress?”

“Do you know her?” I asked nonchalantly as I finished zipping up my luggage. I cocked my head to the side and glanced at the clock on the wall, wondering how fast I could be in the air.

“Everyone knows who she is. Why wouldn’t you?” Barrett began as he quickly fired off a message on his phone. He opened up his suitcase and started to fling his clothes inside in a mismatched mess. “She’s never off the screens lately. Have you really no clue who she is?”

“Nope. I’m not a television addict.” I shrugged my shoulders as I grabbed all my essentials and headed toward the door before turning to face him. “I assume you’re coming with me—”

“Well, I’m not packing to go to another cabin without you, am I? We stick together, don’t we?” I nodded in confirmation as Barrett zipped up his case. “Ready when you are.”

“I wouldn’t have expected anything else. Let’s go.”

* * *

Icouldn’t wait to get my feet back onto solid ground. I wanted to be straight out of the airport once the plane landed on the tarmac. The seatbelt signs had illuminated to green, stating that our departure would soon be imminent. The quicker I was in a cab, the better it would be as then I could be heading directly for Victory Studios and find out what the hell was going on. Just before the flight had departed, I’d had confirmation from Barrett that Memphis was in location and that Charlotte was not the best amused by it. I didn’t care if she liked what I was doing. I wasn’t here to make friends. I couldn’t be the guy to bear witness to another loss on my watch so until I knew if Charlotte was at risk, she’d be under the careful witnessing eye of a dear friend.

The moment the cab pulled up at the entrance of Victory Studios, my heart stammered in my chest as I got out and made a beeline straight past the security officer. I ignored the guy’s bellowed calls that I needed clearance to enter. He could go and fuck himself if he thought he could stop me when I was on a mission. I had one place I needed to be and nothing else mattered in the slightest.

Barrett’s skills of persuasion would be much appreciated, rather than my tactless anger and demands. He could fall on my heels and deal with the fallout from the irate man for me. I knew Barrett would have the security officer calm and collected within moments as he straightened up the mess without revealing anything untoward and soon be by my side with the clearance and full access of the site. The last thing we needed was the uproar of a media presence on our backs due to careless whispers and back-handers, especially if Cassandra had read the situation wrong. I hoped she had but somehow, deep down inside, I knew that this was more than a pissed off fan. I knew this was going to end up involving me having to make some rash and sharp decisions that may aggravate quite a few people. I’d also need to question any future steps of protection outside my comfort zone. One thing was for certain that Miss Charlotte Baxterly had herself a new security detail whether she wanted it or not.

I checked the last status I received from Memphis and took note of where I needed to go. I followed the signs directing me toward the large studio and dressing room one. I rounded the corner and spotted Memphis leant up with his back against the wall. He had his eyes trained on the opposite side of the long corridor and he hadn’t spotted me yet.

My jaw ticked. I could have been anyone. The moment he cast his eyes on me his hand immediately went to his belt and hovered over the gun encased at his side and my fury bubbled under my skin.

“You’re fucking lucky it was me!” I shouted at him as I walked toward him. “What if it had been the motherfucker after her?”

Memphis took a step closer to me and met my gaze. His long brown hair covered his cheeks as he tilted his chin downwards, scowling through bared teeth, trying to intimidate me with the extra couple of inches of height he had on me. I couldn’t help but laugh. If I wanted to knock the fucker down then all I had to do was hit a specific pressure point and he’d be straight on his knees without a second of warning.

“One, according to Barrett, you don’t know if anyone is actually after her and two, I’m a quick shot.” He placed two fingers between his eyes and mouthed the words‘bang’before bringing them to his mouth and blowing them. “I’d not let anything happen to anyone.”

“What are you trying to imply? I’ll fucking…” I snarled at him as I closed the gap between Memphis and I. The only thing that stopped me was the door of dressing room one flying open.

“What the hell is going on out here?” the perfectly polished woman stated as she stood in the doorway with her hand wrapped around the edge of the doorframe. “I want answers now!”

Fuck me. I gazed up and down at the woman giving me shit. She was standing, dressed in a pair of tight jeans that encased her skin perfectly and a deep maroon bralette that barely held her tits in place but allowed her bronzed skin to shine through. Was she trying to kill me? I should have barreled a ton of backlash in return at her for her little outburst at me but instead, I was knocked into silence. I was stunned by her pure beauty; her long dark hair and those deep chocolate orbs that were laced full of fire. I heard a cough behind the woman’s shoulder and peeped over. The recognition of Cassandra should’ve soothed me but instead, it uneased me. I was on auto-pilot and I expected to see Lily come bounding around the corner any moment. Only she never did because she was gone.

“Xander, you’re here,” Cassandra began. “I see you and Charlotte have met.”

“Ah, so you’re Charlotte Baxterly.” I tried to hide my surprise at the fact that this is the woman I had flown to see. This sexy, fucking minx. Damn, I’m in trouble. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Xander.” She nodded and opened the door for me to enter. “I still want answers of what the fuck the pair of you,”—she paused and waggled her finger back and forth—“were arguing about outside.”

“You really want to know?” I watched the nod of her head as I cocked my head and braced myself for her reaction. “You,” I admitted. Charlotte stumbled and I quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist. “I’ve got you, don’t worry.”

“How can you say that when I don’t know you?” Charlotte gulped hard with watering eyes.

“Because I do,” Cassandra announced behind us. “Trust me.”

I turned to face Memphis and nodded as he took back his position, like we’d not even raised a cross word between each other.

“Barrett is on his way. Let him know where I am.”

“Okay.” He chuckled as I let go of Charlotte’s wrist and watched as she turned around before she guided me into the room. “I’ll just be out here.”

I shut the door and took a deep breath, watching the swing of Charlotte’s ass as she walked over to the sofa and took a seat.
