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For a man of rules and principles, the most telling thing is that I keep bending for her. I’m becoming flexible. I compromise. I say “just once more” knowing deep in my heart I’ll never say no. Because Drew is everything I never knew I needed—a woman strong enough to change me, to ground me. To give me hope.

In all other cases a one-way ticket would be a closed case. Relationship null and void! But with her... I can’t let go.

“I don’t want to walk away from this,” I say. My voice doesn’t even sound like my own—I’m broken down. Ruined. Emotional roadkill. “What we have... I don’t have a name for it, because I’ve never experienced anything like this before. This is unchartered territory. It’s new and...”

“Terrifying?” she supplies, her big, silvery eyes looking up at me. “Petrifying? Something no smart person would ever willingly do?”

“I’m pouring my heart out and you’re being a smartass.” I can’t help but smile as I shake my head. “Really?”

“It’s a defence mechanism,” she admits sheepishly, pressing a hand to my chest. “I’m much better at being a smartass than I am at dealing with feelings.”

“I would never have guessed that,” I deadpan.

“It’ I’ve learned to protect myself. I keep being told that something about me isn’t right, that I need to change, that I’m not...forever material.” There’s a slight tremble in her lip that makes me want to roar at the sky for the people who made her feel this way. But I know that means facing the wayI’vetreated her, too. “So I leaned into it. That way it feels like I’m not forever material because I don’t want to be, instead of being rejected when I’m trying. But... I’m not happy pretending to be something I’m not.”

“So don’t pretend.”

“I’m not going to anymore.” I know this new sincerity is precious. Something she doesn’t hand out easily. “Doesn’t mean I’ll stop being a smartass, though, because thatisreally who I am.”

“And I love it. Your humour is one of the best parts of you.” A breeze pushes past us and it whips a stray platinum curl across her face. With a heart that’s almost bursting for how beautiful she is, I tuck it behind her ear. “I was wondering if there’s something you could do for me tonight.”

“What’s that?”

This part is the most terrifying piece of all. “Gabe and Zoe are back at my place now, and I’d like to introduce you to her.”

She blinks, her eyes glimmering. “Why?”

“Because I realise I’ve been using her as an excuse not to get close to people. I let my family be a barrier to me finding someone, because I’ve spent my whole life assuming people would leave anyway. And that’s a disservice to Zoe, because I should have been introducing her to strong, amazing women who could inspire her.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Her voice wobbles and tears fill her eyes.

“Say yes, you’ll come for a drink.”

“Just a drink?” she asks with a watery laugh. “Because we both know what happened the last time it was supposed to be ‘just a drink.’”

“Come for a drink, meet my family properly and then I’ll kick them out so I can have my wicked way with you.” I thumb the edge of her full lips and she shivers in response. “Then I’ll help you pack in the morning.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I really hope you’ll come back to me, Blondie. I don’t want to wake up in ten years’ time regretting that I didn’t tell you how incredible I thought you were, because I know nobody else will even come close to you. I don’t want to fuck this up by hiding behind my rules.”

A fat tear plops onto her cheek and she swipes at it with the back of her hand. “Dammit! I promised myself I wouldn’t let you see me cry a second time.”

“What do you say, huh?” I kiss the shimmering trail left by her tears and taste the salt on her skin. “Come home with me, spend the night in my bed. Have your holiday and then give us a chance.”

“I cancelled it.” Her tears are flowing more freely now, welling and dropping and smudging her mascara.

“Cancelled what?”

“My flight.” Her voice is tight, full of emotion. “I cancelled it because I don’t want to keep running.”

Relief rushes through me like a wave seeking the shoreline and it almost bowls me over. “You’re staying?”

“Uh-huh.” She nods. “I’m done pretending. Done running.”

“I’mthatpersuasive?” I tease.

She tries to swat me, but I capture her wrists. “Nice try, taking credit for my decision.”
