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My voice shakes as I give her my details, letting go of my escape hatch plans. In two minutes, it’s done. I don’t know what I’m going to do for work or a place to live or anything else...but I’m staying.

I’m going to askmyselfto stay.

Because the fact is, I’ve missed my sister. I’ve missed belonging and having a place that felt like something more than temporary. I’ve missed building friendships with the hope that they would last a lifetime. I’ve missed the Aussie weather and Tim Tams and footy and walking along the Yarra in the sunshine.

I’ve missed my home.

I push up from where I’ve been sitting on the raised platform where my sister was supposed to be married, and I dust the dirt from my dress. My bouquet lies on the ground, the delicate white flowers surrounded by a spray of green fronds and leaves. Like everything that my sister chose, it’s classy. Elegant.

And now it means nothing.

My heart aches, not because I think she made the wrong decision—I definitely don’t—but because I know she’s hurting. I want to be here for her. But in order for me to do that, I first need to be here for myself. I need to be enough for myself, before I can be anything for her. Anything for others.

I take a fortifying breath, smelling the jasmine and rich white roses around me, feeling the sunshine on my face. It’s not going to be an easy road, but I feel freer than I would have with sand beneath my toes and a lonely future stretched out in front of me.

The sound of my name roots me to the ground. Flynn. Sunlight bounces off his reddish hair, making his eyes look wild and blue as the open ocean.

“Where to now?” His intense stare is hot enough to melt an iceberg.

“My maid of honour duties have officially ended, which means I’m going home to get out of this fairy floss monstrosity.” I try to keep things light—try to show him that he didn’t shatter my heart. Because really, I have Flynn to thank for a lot. If not for him, I might not have realised how much I’d missed being connected to people. How much I’ve been suffering because I shut people out. “I would say you can get out of your tux, but I imagine you sleep in your suits.”

“Youknowthat’s not true.”

No. He sleeps completely naked and it’s glorious. “You really should wear something when you sleep. It’s good to support your junk.”

“I’m not going to ask how this conversation so quickly devolved to us discussing my ‘junk’, but here we are.” His lip quirks.

“Is everyone gone?”

“Yeah.” Flynn nods. “I called Francis and she arranged for a private car service to collect the bridal party and take them home. My uncle and aunt took Mike.”

“Good.” This house is gorgeous, but it’s in the middle of nowhere. We’re surrounded by beautiful Australian native trees as far as the eye can see. “I’m hoping you saved one of those cars for me. It’s a long hike to the main road in heels.”

“As if I would leave you stranded.” He shoves his hands into his pockets, not looking like he’s in any hurry to leave. “Actually, I wanted to talk before we go.”

“I thought we’d said everything there was to say.” My heart thuds, hope filtering through my veins even as my mind shouts at me to retreat. I know this dance well, and I usually listen to my head. But not anymore.

I want to stay. I want to hope.

“I need to set the record straight.” He squares his shoulders and the action makes him look even bigger and stronger. Even more beautiful. “When I came across that piece of paper with your flight details, I was devastated. Because despite the fact that we kept telling one another that we were a bad match... I don’tfeelthat way. Being with you doesn’t feel wrong. In fact, it’s the rightest thing I’ve felt for as long as I can remember.”

My knees tremble beneath me. Am I imagining this? Have I fainted from sun stroke and now my brain is playing merciless tricks on me?

“What felt wrong was my assumption that leaving was the end, because I understand now that nothing is permanent. Decisions can be changed and...” Something flicks over his face, an emotion I can’t quite read. “What matters isnow. Not what happened before, not what might happen tomorrow. Now. I like you a hell of a lot, Blondie. I like how strong you are, I like your humour and your smile and those killer legs. I like how much you care about your sister and how you’re always up for an adventure. I like that you do your own thing, regardless of what people say. I like that you’re bold and decisive and daring. I like it all.”

I can’t speak. The words won’t form on my tongue as my breath stutters.

“I know you’re leaving tomorrow and that’s your decision. But the ticket is one-way, right? What if you came back after your trip?” His eyes shine and he steps forward, gently pulling me close. I’m unable to express the swirl of emotion dancing like a tornado inside me. “What if you came home?”

He’s asking me to stay. No, he’s doing something even better. He’s giving me the freedom to leave and the option to come back. The option for me to have what I want. Because Flynn isn’t a person who clips people’s wings. Rigid as he might be, this is his way of showing me he’s changed. That he wants to make it work.

The biggest question is: Can I trust him?



IWANTTOrough up Drew’s hair. Smudge her makeup. Tear the hem of her dress. Take this polished image and bring therealDrew back out. The real woman who has totally and utterly claimed my heart.
