Page 116 of Cadence

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He strokes my cheek. “I missed you, I’ve been counting down the time until I could to see you, but not like this. Tell me what happened.”

My eyes well with tears I don’t want Jax to see. “Somebody didn’t like me going out with other people.”

“What do you mean somebody? Fans?”

“Yeah. Looks like you can have a night out, but I’m not allowed to go out without you!” I look at my hands. “I needed you. I know you couldn’t be with me but I’ve waited hours to talk to you.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you called. But I came as soon as I heard. Isn’t that better?”

I wrap my fingers around his. “Manchester’s a bloody long way.”

“You’re a bloody special girl! And this happened because of me!” His grip on my hand tightens. “I knew you should’ve stayed with me on tour and not come back to London.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I’ve spent a night out with people from work before with no problems. Tonight was wrong place, wrong time.”

My dismissive comment is met with a frown from Jax. “Did they say why? The so-called fans.”

“Because I was with another guy.”

Jax’s silence shocks me as much as his next words. “With? Likewithhim?”

“No! Don’t make this worse by accusing me of shit!” I pull my hands away.

“Sorry. Paranoid.”

“I thought I was the insecure one?”

Jax huffs and shifts on the bed, stretching his long legs along the length. “Come here, let me hold you.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I rest my head against him. He’s here. With me. The man I never expected to see tonight but wanted desperately to hold me. My body shapes against his, reconnecting. Two puzzle pieces slotting together to create a picture only we can see.

“Did the doctor say you were okay?”

“Pretty much. They’re overcautious because I banged my head.”

“Jesus, Tegan.”

I place an arm around Jax’s chest, snuggling into him. His heart thrums against my ear, beating faster than I expected as he strokes my hair. I relax further, edging toward sleep, until Jax pulls me back to consciousness by speaking. “Does the attack change your mind?”

“About what?”

“Us.” When I don’t respond, his grip on me tightens. “This does, doesn’t it?”

“No and yes,” I whisper. “I never expected anything as mad as being attacked.”

Jax bangs his head against the bed’s headboard. “Fuck!”

Alarmed at the shift from relaxed to this reaction, I look around and he’s staring ahead, mouth pulled tight. “What’s wrong?”

“You. This bullshit, fucking things up.” In a sudden move, Jax turns around and grabs my shoulders. “Do you know how much I missed you? A fucking lot. Worse than when we argued and you left for Wales that day.”

I wince against his hands on me, at his sudden intensity. I’ve spent days missing him too, sharing the hollow feeling he means. I want his warmth and affection to fill the dull emptiness, and crave the smile that lights his whole face when he looks at me, the one that delves into my heart and pulls mine to his. I missed him a hell of a lot more than I’ve realised.

“I know,” I whisper. “I missed you too.”

He reaches out and traces my lips with his fingers. “A month.”

“A month what?”

Jax places his lips gently on mine and as I curl my hand around his head and seek the kiss I’m aching for he pulls away. “A month to fall in love with you.”
