Page 125 of Cadence

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“You don’t care about our relationship?”

“Do you?”

“Yeah. I’d hang around for you.”

“That’s crap and you know it. If Jem walked in now and said, ‘Hey, we all need to move to Outer Mongolia for the band’, you’d be packed and on the plane by the end of the day.”

“That’s different.”

I’ve spent the last few days turning over the alternatives in my head, telling myself I could make this work one way or another because there’s something unique between Jax and me. Instead, he’s being a dickhead and blasting his self-importance and immaturity at me.

“Let me get this straight, you’re saying if I leave the UK that this is over,” I say.

“Pretty much.”

Jax’s flat tone, and refusal to engage beyond words emphasises the decision is already made. If he’s expecting me to break down and beg him to stay with me, Jax will be disappointed.

“Right. Sure. Well, that helps with my decision.” I stand and pick up the sandwich that will stick in my throat if I attempt to eat, and swallow down the bloody annoying lump.

For the first time since he entered the room, Jax’s expression changes. He stares and I stare back, holding his gaze and taking on my own neutral expression.He doesn’t mean this.Are we back to games?

“This is all too hard, Jax. Isn’t it?”

This is the moment we could lay all our cards on the table; but I hold mine close to my chest, even tighter because of his attitude today. The distance grows and he pushes hands deep into his jackets pockets. For a minute, we don’t speak, and I fight the surging hurt ready to pour out in harsh words.

“Okay,” he says.

I walk to the door, heart thumping in my ears as I hold together the pieces falling apart, numbed by the fact Jax can easily smash everything. He won’t compromise, why should I? Yanking the door open, I step to one side. “Good luck with the rest of the tour.”

Jax continues to stare in disbelief. He blinks several times and approaches. His scent triggers memories of the other night when we said we’d take on the world together. But the inevitable, the world pulling us apart, has happened. I hold my breath and stare at the floor in case he tries to kiss me. Jax knows this is one way I will always yield to him; I can control my thoughts, but never my body.

Jax doesn’t speak. I watch in shock as he leaves. Done.

I gently close the door and lean against the smooth wood, staring into space through blurring eyes.

The worst part of all this is a small part of me expected Jax to proclaim his love for me again, to beg me to stay. To fight for us. To compromise.

I know Jax agrees. Thisisall too hard. The passionate energy, which flows through our coming together, has built to an explosive level. The detonation of what surges between us was inevitable from the first time my lips met his. We can’t contain the uncontrollable nature of what’s between us because we don’t have the strength yet.

The biggest, brightest life I’ve lived explodes with the intensity of a supernova and we’re pulled into the black hole.

This is over.



I jump as somebody smacks me across the back of the head, and spin around. Will.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” has asks. “We're playing O2! Doesn’t get much better than supporting Blue Phoenix in London! Well, until we’re headlining here.”


“So stop looking bloody miserable!” Will shoves me again and I shove him back. “Is it nerves?”


He shakes his head. “Dude, get a grip. Here.” He thrusts an open bottle of beer at me.
