Page 133 of Cadence

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“What the fuck?” he growls.

“You! You found her the job in the States!”

“Shut up, Jax,” warns Bryn.

Jax turns to me and gestures at Bryn. “Your brother got you the job. He wants you to leave me! He’s the one who’s fucked things up!”

I step back. No. “Bryn?”

Bryn’s mouth thins as he throws a poisonous look at Jax. “I'll be back in five. Don't go anywhere.”

By now, Jax is slumped against the wall, rubbing his knuckles.

What the hell, Bryn?This had better not be true. I take a deep breath. I’ll deal with one thing at a time. “Tell me why,” I say to Jax.

“Why what?”

“Why you get into this mess. If you keep drinking like this you're going to end up as one huge screw-up.” He mumbles something at his shoes and I dip my head so he has to look at me. “You want to be the new Jem Jones or something?”

He jerks his head up. “No way!”

“Well, he started with drinking and look at how he ended up.”

“I'm nothing like him!”

“Not yet.” Jax pulls a face, like a kid being chastised. I step back. “Fine. Don't listen to me. But you lived the last few years hungry for success, and now you have what you want, are you going to throw everything away?”

“I'm not!”

“You're a rock star, but that doesn't make you immune to the law! What if Julian presses charges? Or you end up doing something stupider next time? The press is breathing down your neck. You lose all rationality when you're drunk, Jax!”

His brow tugs lower and he slips down the wall a little. He doesn't respond. Is some of this getting through to his dulled brain?

For a few minutes, Jax remains silent and mumbles something in the direction of the carpet.

“What? I can't hear you.”

“I love you.”

Oh, sweet Jesus...“Of course you do.”

Jax looks up, hurt in his drunk eyes. “Don't you believe me?”

“I don't know. You're drunk and you didn’t seem to think that the other day when you told me we were over because I was following what I wanted to do in life!”

“That was you! You said this was too hard!”

“Really, Jax? What part of ‘if you go, we’re over’ was ‘I love you’?”

“I thought you’d calm down and change your mind. Maybe not go.” I cross my arms and don’t respond. “I love you. I want to be with you.” Jax wipes a hand slowly down his face. “And I fucked up.”

“You did. How am I supposed to believe you’re serious about us when you pull stunts like this and try to emotionally blackmail me?”

“I didn’t blackmail you! I thought if I said… fuck, I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“Huh. What a surprise.”

He turns his eyes to me again. “I love you. I just didn’t want to be without you. Sorry I was an arsehole.”
