Page 49 of Cadence

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“Talk to me, don’t disappear.” Jax leads me to a quieter corner in an area between the restaurant and the lobby, and we stand opposite the armchairs and a low table with a couple of magazines on. “I’ve thought about you all day.”

“I’m fine, as you can see.”

“Not just because I worried about your physical health, but because I wanted to see you again and make sure you’rereallyokay.”

Jax moves closer, and his clean scent triggers a memory from last night, filtering through the fog in my head. We were standing like we are now and talking about not playing games anymore. “When you asked to kiss me, that’s when I knew something must be wrong.”

Not again.It shouldn’t, but the fact I came on to Jax mortifies me more than anything else about last night. “Why?”

“Because you’d made it clear you’re not the kind of chick to throw yourself at rock stars. Even me.”

“Especially you.”

Jax’s blue eyes search mine as he turns my hand over, tracing the palm with his fingers. He knows I’m lying. “Bryn nearly had me by the balls last night,” he says with a small laugh. “Thought I’d um… taken you to bed and left you.”

“Why would he think that?”

“Because he saw me coming out of your room. I put you to bed after picking you up off the floor. Hasn’t anybody told you this?”

“Bryn said you helped me.” The pleasant sensation from his touch evaporates as a thought hits. “You didn’t take my clothes off, did you?”

Jax drops my hand. “Holy shit, no! I doubt I’d be standing here if Bryn had found you half-naked. Not my style, Tegan. If a chick wants to take her clothes off for me, that’s her call.”

“Oh, so you’re telling me you never help girls undress?”

He chews his lip and flicks a look between my chest and face. “Don’t make me think bad thoughts, Tegan.”

My heart skips as the unspoken passes between us again. My attraction to Jax can’t be hidden from him anymore; asking to kiss him last night was a bloody huge clue. More memories emerge of our time together last night and the direction we were heading. The tension between us from attempting to outsmart each other has retreated.

Jax’s behaviour last night placed a big obstacle in the way of my attempt to pigeonhole him as a rock star player who doesn’t give a shit about how women are treated. He was drunk, high on his status, and surrounded by girls; but still Jax looked out for me. Maybe his intentions were as dishonourable as Bryn suspects, but I’m forced to admit he’s a good person. Jax’s exchange with Ruby the other day indicated this side of him: the man beneath the rock star isn’t corrupted by his fame yet.

I look past Jax, attempting to disengage. A white-uniformed cleaner polishes the floor nearby, the whir of the machine the only sound. I’m side to the wall, able to walk away, but instead I give up on the fight with myself.

“I’m glad you were there,” I tell him.

“I’ll always look out for you, Tegan. I’m sorry I left you alone.” He pushes hair from my face and his fingers rest on my cheek. “I feel responsible.”

“Wrong. I can’t remember what was happening between us, or why you blame yourself, but one thing you should’ve realised about me is that I take full responsibility for myself.”

“I love your confidence and attitude to life. I bet you’re a really cool chick to get to know.” He strokes my skin with his thumb. “That’s why I need you to understand I won’t screw around with you. Not just because of Bryn, but because I’d rather have your friendship than your sarcasm.”

I hope he can’t see the disappointment that just hit me. “You want to be friends?”

“I think you know I want to be more than friends, but if that’s all we can be, I’ll settle for that. Rather friends than stupid games.”

Games. Will this man play games with me? Underneath everything, is he the rock star wanting to conquer the girl out of his reach? Has the fact he swooped in as my knight in shining armour last night led me to trust him when I shouldn’t?

“Me too,” I say softly.

“Is Bryn around?” Jax asks. “He has a habit of catching me with or near you, like some kind of sixth sense.”

“I passed him heading back to his room when I came down for something to eat.”

“Awesome. So there’s no way can he see me?”

“See you?”
