Page 51 of Cadence

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Tegan’s night time job of selling merchandise means her evening ends later than mine. Thanks to the post-concert rush by fans to grab their souvenir shirts and other crap, I’m in the Green Room alone: showered, dressed, and waiting for a girl. I laugh at myself; look at me refusing a night with the groupies to spend time with a chick there’s no way I’ll have sex with. Not soon, anyway.

My phone beeps with a message from Tegan.

And so begins our secret meetings, because how can this be any other way at the moment? This is too soon to let anybody know — public or the tour. Especially not her brother. I’ll see how things with Tegan go. If this becomes more than one or two dates, I’ll deal with Bryn then. If this is disastrous or fizzles out, no harm done. He doesn’t need to know.

I’ll be up front with Tegan. I’m not interested in anything serious. Besides, if I mess Tegan around, then the serious will be the bodily harm inflicted on me by her brother. So yeah, I must really like her to even give this a go.

The black door creaks opens and I stand, eager to leave for somewhere less conspicuous. “That was quick.”

“What was?” Will heads into the room. “I’ve been looking for you! You coming?”

“Uh. Not sure.” I sit back down, glancing at the doorway.

“C’mon, man. Nate’s waiting. We’ve hooked up some chicks to come with us.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.

“Yeah. Not feeling great, man. Maybe I’m sick with what Ruby has?”

Will eyes me suspiciously. “Yeah? You scared of Bryn. Bryn’s fine with what happened at the party, you know? I don’t think he blames you.”

“I know. He spoke to me, even apologised for overreacting.”About an hour after I kissed the girl he'd told me to keep my hands off.

“Good, the last thing we need is drama.”

“Mmm.” I look behind Will again, willing him to leave. “Sorry, maybe tomorrow?”

“Jeez, Jax, boring bastard. Fine, catch you tomorrow.” As Will heads out the door, he bumps into somebody and apologises. Tegan appears and Will steps back into the room too.

He’s behind Tegan and points at her, mouthing “No. Really?” I stare at Will as he holds his fingers to his head and imitates firing a gun.

“Have fun, kids!” he says. “Your secret is safe with me!”

Tegan watches Will go before turning to me. The soft brown hair that touched my face when I held and kissed her is loose across her shoulders, and I fight against walking over and letting go of my restraint I held onto last time.

“Do you think he’ll say anything?” she asks.

“Nah. Nice tee,” I say with a smile and point at the Ruby Riot tour shirt stretching across her delicious looking tits.

Tegan twists the lanyard she’s wearing around her fingers, biting her lip in a deliberately coy gesture. “Oh yeah, I’m a full-on Riot groupie.”

“Good to hear it.”

As I approach, Tegan’s eyes widen slightly. Is she expecting me to kiss her again? It would be easy to close the door and see what happens because that’s what I usually do.

But Tegan isn’t what I usually do.

Maybe later.

Reining in the thoughts, I lean in and kiss Tegan gently on the mouth. Tegan presses her lips against mine; but when I place my hand against Tegan’s head to draw her closer, she puts a hand on my chest.

“So, where are we going tonight?” she asks.

I step back, running my fingers along her cheek. “Somewhere quiet. Not somewhere anybody else we know might go.”
