Page 59 of Cadence

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“Yeah, we might come out too. Thinking about persuading Riley to come along as a decoy.”

“Oh, fuck, no! Seriously? I didn’t think you liked her?” protests Nate.

“I don’t, but we can pretend her and Tegan are out together.”

Nate claps me on the back. “You know what? I’ll bet you twenty quid that everybody knows about you and Tegan by the end of the week. And then…” He makes a slicing movement across his throat.


“Man up,” says Nate and saunters off. “Screw her and ditch her, or tell the world. One way or another, you’ll end up fucked.”

I stare after Nate’s retreating figure and consider his words.

Yeah, I’m fucked.

* * *

I follow my plan of action: have some beers in the Green Room post-gig, and invite Blue Phoenix to come out with the boys and me. They’ll say no; I can almost guarantee that. Jem and Dylan appear first as I’m finishing my second beer. Ruby walks in behind Jem and settles onto the leather sofa in one corner of the room. I drain my bottle and head over to the counter laid out with drinks and food. One more and I’ll tell them I’m heading out with the twins. I munch on some crisps and watch Jem chatting to Dylan, bristling at his ignoring me again.

“Beer?” I ask Ruby.

“I’m good, thanks,” she replies.

“You swearing off alcohol again?”


Makes sense, her Prince Charming is a recovering alcoholic and ex-addict. Even so, we’re third date on tour with the legendary Blue Phoenix, and the guys are that tame I swear they go back to their rooms for hot cocoa and bed after gigs. Liam has Cerys visiting for a few days so he’s out, and Dylan’s waiting for Sky to arrive. Bryn’s the only one who’s drinking seriously which is awkward because he’s not a good candidate for a drinking buddy. Naive of me to expect Blue Phoenix to behave like rock stars with women taking over their lives.

“So much for the famous Blue Phoenix party animals,” I complain and take a beer from the counter.

“I think they’re too old for that shit now,” Ruby replies.

“Twenty-six? Fuck, I hope I’m not old and boring then.”

Jem breaks the conversation he’s having with Dylan, and sits next to Ruby, draping an arm across her shoulder. “Who’s too old?”

“You guys. Behaving like old men,” I reply. “Yeah, I know you don’t drink, but we could at least party a bit more!”

“Kinda burnt out, Jax,” says Jem. “You’re welcome to have your own parties. Just make sure you don’t get into a life where a doctor tells you to stop or you’ll be dead before you’re thirty.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I reply with a laugh.

Jem turns to Ruby. “Did you tell —”

The look Ruby gives Jem is one I’ve seen before: ‘shut up and don’t say anything’. “He means you’re behaving like a dad,” she hisses.

“What did you say?” I ask Jem. Tell me what?


I barely notice Bryn’s entrance into the room, Jem’s words and Ruby’s responses have poked at a suspicion I’ve denied could be possible.

“How’re you feeling now, Ruby?” Bryn asks. “Still sick?”

“Getting better,” she mumbles.

“Better in the evenings, huh?” He sits in the armchair next to Jem and leans forward to poke him, grinning. “Something you want to tell us?”
