Page 60 of Cadence

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“No,” Jem retorts.

Bryn is teasing, but I swallow down the realisation growing as I watch for Ruby’s reaction. Paling, she stands, hands trembling. “I’m tired, Jem. Let’s go.”

Bryn sinks back and watches as Jem stands too. “I always know when you’re hiding a secret, Jeremy.”

“Shut up,” he warns.


A thousand fucking timesno.

I’ve seen enough shitty TV soaps to guess Ruby’s symptoms could be more than gastro, but she wouldn’t be that fucking stupid. “Ruby. Please don’t tell me you’re —”

“I’m not feeling well, okay! Just fucking leave it!” she snaps, not looking at me as she drops back onto the sofa. The ever-protective Jem immediately joins her.

“You are! You’re fucking pregnant!” The world lurches when her denial doesn’t come, as my mind drags in all the reasons why this is a disaster. “For fuck’s sake!”

Unsure I’ll be able to keep my self- control, and not wanting Ruby to say the words, I grab another beer and leave. Outside the room I pause, my world shattering around me.

The band is screwed now.

We reach the edge of success and Ruby’s fucking ruined this. Jem’s ruinedher. Ruby’s as trapped as she was when Dickhead Dan had her in his grasp.

Stupid, fucking…I shake my head against the anger and walk blindly away.

* * *


The post-concert sales were crazy tonight; we sold out of all t-shirt sizes apart from XXL, which left some very pissed off customers. I smiled sweetly and repeated the same excuse, handing people the flyer listing the online merchandise store. I swear one girl considered ripping off my Blue Phoenix t-shirt rather than go home without one.

By the end of that disaster, I have a huge headache and I’m running late. Finally finding a minute to myself, I check my phone for a message from Jax.


I text him, ask where he wants to meet, and return to boxing up the remaining stock ready for the next venue. Half an hour later, done, I check my phone again.

Still nothing.

Jax agreed we’d meet up tonight and we’ve discussed becoming more ‘public’ on a night out with the twins and assorted tour people. That way we can be together, but not obviously. All good as long as we aren’t seen too close. Isn’t this what he wanted?

When nobody is around the Green Room, I’m pissed off — more at myself than Jax — at expecting him to behave like a normal person. Searching for any sign of him, Will or Nate I bump into one of the sound guys.

“Hey, do you know where everybody’s gone?” I ask him.

“Ruby Riot guys have gone ahead toMenthe; a few of us are grabbing a taxi to join them. You want to tag along?” The tall guy points over his shoulder to a group of guys talking loudly nearby.

Tag along, like a lost sheep? I don’t think so. “No, all good. I’ll catch up with my brother.”

Before he can respond, I storm away. Now I’m angry with Jax. I bet the boys headed out and took a few girls with them and I was surplus to requirements. Less than a week and he’s bored of me already because I won’t open my legs? Bastard.



In two minds whether to show up at the club on my own, and let Jax know I don’t give a fuck, I decide in-room movies and room service are the best choice. I’m in Paris and I’ve never visited the city before. I have plenty planned for tomorrow; a night of drunken drama with Jax isn’t worth the waste of energy. Still, I leave my phone switched on next to the bed and snuggle under the luxurious duvet, dressed in my cotton pyjama shorts and vest, hair piled onto my head.

Living the rock star life. Ha ha.
