Page 65 of Cadence

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I focus hard on not staring some more at Jax, or acknowledging I’m suddenly less pissed off and more aroused. “You should be so lucky!”

Jax steps towards me. “One day I think I will be, we agreed.”

The scent of hotel soap drifts towards me as he stands close and my heart stutters. What is it about the sheer physicality of this man, which unravels me?

I look directly into Jax’s eyes, so I can’t be tempted by his mouth — or any other part of him in touching distance. “Put some clothes on.”

Jax continues his scrutiny of my face and despite the dark shadows below, his intense blue eyes shine brightly. “Or you could take yours off?”

I want to retort; but unsure whether my voice will fail and give my state of mind away, I clamp my mouth closed.

Jax inches closer and I back up. “Come on, Tegan, I can see in your face what you’re thinking.”

“I doubt that.” I swallow, annoyed at myself. I should turn and walk away, but memories of the way Jax kisses leads to temptation for more. “Get dressed.”

Jax sticks his bottom lip out, turns his back, and approaches the bed, hands going to the edge of the knot securing the towel. Before I get a view of his ass to bank with the other images, I spin around and leave the room.

“Nice try!” I call and Jax’s response is laughter.

A few minutes later, Jax reappears fully dressed. I tell myself the reason my heart races is because I’m annoyed with him.

Jax joins me on the sofa and immediately moves in for a kiss. I put a hand on his chest between us.

“I brushed my teeth!” he protests and shifts closer.

“That’s not the issue. An apology would be nice, Jaxon.”

He slumps back against the sofa. “You’re such a confusing chick. I thought you were upset because I didn’t pay you enough attention last night; and now I want to, you’re not interested!” I blink at his arrogance. “Oh, right. The apology. Sorry about last night. I was messed up.”

Jax shifts closer again and pushes his fingers into my workout-damp hair, moving his mouth closer. “I’ll make this up to you, if you’ll let me.”

I have never met a man as sure of himself as this one. “I don’t think so,” I manage to breathe out.

“Really?” His muscled leg shifts against mine as he moves in for the kill and I jump to my feet before the dampened desire reignites.

“Jax, I can’t do this.”

“What? Kiss me?” He stands too. “Why not?”

I cross my arms. “Sorry, but us. Last night, when you didn’t contact me, it pissed me off and it ruined my evening. I came on tour to enjoy myself, not become tangled with somebody who has a reputation for breaking hearts.”

“I don’t break hearts!”

“Only because you never spend longer than one or two nights with a girl. Everything is too complicated; we should both be having fun.”

“Yeah. Together. I told you, no other girls. Just you.”

“You say that but I don’t think I can trust you. And that makes this too hard.”

Jax drags his fingers down his face until he touches his lips. His lips that kiss with a magic I’m sure he could use on other parts of my body. “I like you, Tegan. A lot. I told you.”

“I think we’d have fun, but this isn’t the time or place for us. This is your time and your place, not mine.”

He frowns. “Are you saying you don’t want to do this?”

“I guess.”

“But the other night you seemed keen. The two of us, away from everybody else, we were great. Weren’t we?”
