Page 80 of Cadence

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“Jax!” I grip the edge of the sofa.


I clench my teeth at his smug tone, instead grabbing a cushion and pulling it over my head to curse into the rough material. Jax pulls the cushion from my damp face, an amused curve on his mouth. “You okay?”

His heart beats as rapidly as mine, body as hot and hard. His arms either side of my head, holding him up, shake too and Jax settles between my legs, the heat of his hard length pushing against my sensitive flesh. Self-control exists with the hunger in his eyes, but barely.

“Fine. You?” I blow hair from my face, keeping my tone light.

“Seriously, Tegan?”

“Seriously, Jax.”

“Hmm.” Strong fingers slide along my thigh again and when he reaches the top, I squeeze my legs around his hand so he can’t move any higher.

Summoning up energy, I push sideways where we’re lying on the edge of the sofa and we tumble to the ground. Jax lets out a heavy breath as his back hits the floor and I straddle him, hand on his chest. Our eyes meet in challenge again, and I swear I’m going to wipe that smug smile off his face. My body is screaming at me to give myself over to him again, to beg him to finish what he’s started; but that’s what he wants.

For a few moments, I look down at Jax. Normally naked and exposed in front of a guy isn’t something I can do; but everything I do with Jax feels as if it should be.

“So where are the famous Jax Lewis moves?” I ask in a low voice. “I won’t have anything to tell if you stop now.”

“Yeah?” he asks, voice hoarse.


In a swift movement, Jax sits up and turns over, pressing himself between my thighs. In surprise, I let go of him and wince as my back drags along the carpet.

“I’ll give you plenty to talk about. Get in the bedroom.”

I giggle at him, even though his words add to the humming need coursing through my blood. “That’s more like it.” I place a hand on his chest and he grabs me by both hands, dragging me to my feet.


“Now? Telling me what to do again?” I yank his boxers, and slide my fingers inside. As I curl my hand around his hard length, I’m planning my revenge, but all I can think when I take hold of him is how much I want him inside me.

“You are in so much trouble,” he growls, grabbing my hand so I let him go.

“Do your worst.”

“Don’t tempt me.” Jax backs me across the room. “You know what one of the best things is about you?”


“You’re unpredictable. And full on fucking sexy…” He continues to back me across the room. “Oh look, I found my way into your bed again.” Jax shoves me hard and I land backwards on the soft sheets, before he braces his arms around me and looks down.

“Lucky you.”

“No, lucky you.”

I flick his nose. “Do you want me to change my mind?”

“Fuck, no!”

There’s nothing between us now other than the go ahead Jax is waiting for, and the moment I decide whether to step into this with him. Once Jax has all of me, he’ll have my heart as well as my body.

“Condoms,” I say, propping myself on my elbows.

Jax drags fingers through his hair. “How can you be calm, after what I just said to you?”
