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“Yes, it is,it'scalming.” Linda would love this, she always loved nature.

“You know that man loves you,” I glance at mom to see her looking straight ahead. “not everyone finds that kind of love sweetheart, the kind that is all consuming that has you wanting to be with the other person constantly, fully.” I look at her wistful expression.

“Did you ever know someone like that?” I feel her hand taking mine that is laying on my lap, turning my hand around I entwine my fingers with hers.

“Before I met your dad,” she murmurs, “I met a boy, but my father said we were too young. He asked me to run away with him, but I was scared, I didn’t want to disappoint your grandfather, so I didn’t go.” I hear the sadness in her voice.

“Did you ever regret it?” I ask.

“Many times,” she glances at me and smiles, a smile that doesn’t light up her eyes. “our lives are made of the decisions we make, some of them bring us happiness and some don’t. We don’t always know which is the right decision, but I believe that if we follow our heart, we will always make the right decision.”

“Why are you telling me this mom?”

“Because I know that you are struggling with what to do.”

“Everything I have worked for is back home, you are back home.” I murmur.

“Have you been happy back home?” I think back and for the life of me I can’t think of the last time I was happy. If I think of the time I have spent with Hawk, even through the turmoil that has been the lastfewdays since knowing that my sister was killed, I have found a contentment inside myself that I don’t remember having. He completes me, and I know that we are mates, but our connection is so much more, it’s like we are one sometimes.

“That is unfair.” I murmur.

“No sweetheart,” mom says as she pats my hand, “it’s the truth, I want you to be as happy as you can be. I don’t want you to look back one day and regret not having done something. I know that your sister was wild, but I also know that she lived her life to the fullest.” Her voice cracks there but then she continues. “She wasn’t always happy, but she did what made her happy.” She turns her head to look at me.

“What do you do that makes you happy?”Sheasks.

“But you will be so far.” I murmur,which has her frowning and shaking her head.

“Don’t you dare tell me that you are not doing what makes you happy because of me.” She states forcefully, “besides, I’ve been thinking that I might move into town so I can visit your sister’s grave more often.” Hawk offered to bury Linda here, and even though mom and I thought that Linda would have loved the wildness of the woods, we also believe that she would have loved the company of others. I know that it’s madthat she is gone but she loved sitting on the hill overlooking thetown, so King pulled a couple of strings and we were allowed to bury her in the church near the hill where she will still be able to overlook thetown.

“Are you saying that you want to move here?” I ask surprised.

“No, I am saying that I’m thinking of moving intotown.” I feel the tears overflow and run down my cheeks.

“Thank you, mom.” I know that she is also doing this because she knows that I can’t stay here with a clearconscienceif I know that mom is all alone in a big city with no one around.

“No sweetheart, thank you. You have gone out of your way,always to help me and your sister. You have worked tirelessly to help those women and children that have needed your help. Now it’s time that you help yourself, because no one can help others if they can’t help themselves first.” Just then we hear bikes approaching, my heart starts racing as I know that Hawk is back.

Today for the first time he went out, leaving me here without him and I must be honest I have missed his presence. “Thank you.” Imurmured, leaning over I kiss mom on the cheek.

“Now go and see that hunky man of yours.” I look at her in surprise and see her smile.

“I’m not blind.”Shemutters playfully which has me smiling. Standing I turn in time to see the men parking their bikes. I see Hawk take off his helmet, raise his head and I know that he is scenting the area, and then he is looking my way. It is still strange for me the things I know he can do and what he is, but he has a good heart and that is what has drawn me to him, okay, it also helps that he is really hot. I smile at my thoughts as I start making my way towards the men.

“Hey sugar?” Dixon says as he walks past me towards the woods, Blue with him.

“Hi, are you guys done for the day?” I ask.

“Yip, he’s all yours.” Blue states with a wink.

I am just about to comment when Hawk has his hands around my waist and is picking me up. His lips take mine in a passionate kiss, when he finally lifts his head I smile. “You movedquickly; I didn’t even see you approach.”

“I was away from you for way too long.”Hemurmurs as he lets me slip down his body until my feet touch the floor.

“Did you find what you went looking for?” I know that the men went to find a drug den that the Hades have in town and apparently, they were distributing from there too. Looking at the men and the set up that they have, people would never say that these dangerous looking men are combating drugs and the trafficking of women and children. They deliver parcels as a cover rooting out the information, they need to combat what the Hades are doing in the community.

“Yes, but let’s talk about something more interesting.” I frown, what does he want to talk about? I know what he wants to know but am I ready to tell him?

“Really, like what?” I ask with a raised brow.
