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“You will behave!” Gunner’s voice comes from close next to my ear, I can feel his tense body close behind me. Turning my head, I glare at him; this is all his fault that these men think they can question me.

“Dawn, let me introduce you.” Mystique says quickly before I can argue with Gunner. “This here is King, our pack leader and president of the Wolverine MC.” My eyes suddenly snap back to the man that was questioning me, I shake my head in denial.

“No, he isn’t.” my statement has everyone looking at me with surprise on their faces.

“Dawn” Mystique gasps in surprise at contradicting her.

“Well, he isn’t,” I insist, “I met King earlier in the kitchen,” looking around I spot king leaning against the far wall, his arms crossed across his chest, his one foot up against the wall as he looks over at everyone with boredom on his features. If I’m mistaken, I would say that he’s even hiding amusement under his mask of boredom. Lifting my hand I point towards him, “that’s King,” everyone’s eyes turn towards the man.

“Umm, that’s not King.” Mystique whispers, “that’s Frost.” At her revelation I frown, why would the man let me believe that he was King.

“Frost?” King calls only to receive a shrug from the man that continues to recline against the wall.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you weren’t King when I was thanking you for letting me stay here?” I raise my hands to my waist taking a step closer to him. “Oh, you a crafty one, aren’t you?” I accuse as my anger rises to the forefront. Instead of apologising he continues to look at me as if waiting for something. The disrespect of the man, letting me open to him and not interrupting me.

Gasping I suddenly glare at him, “Oh you,” I accuse as I point my finger at him, “you just wanted to know if I knew about Gunner’s castration, didn’t you?” I hear Gunner groaning behind me and the gasps of surprise from the women. The men are all looking confused as they look from Frost to Gunner and me.

“I see what you mean,” King suddenly says as he looks at Gunner, what does he mean by that, has Gunner been speaking about me?

“Since when were you castrated?” Dixon asks frow where he’s standing with a confused look on his face.

“Apparently since this morning,” at Gunner’s sarcastic tone I turn my head to glare at him.

“Are you saying that you have all your parts intact?” at my angry question Gunner throws up his hands as he shakes his head.

“I never said that I had any parts missing, you assumed I did.” His statement has me glaring at him as I walk up to him until I am practically nose to chest with him.

“Uuu, you are a mean one tricking me like that. How could you make me believe that you were missing your thingy.” I argue and hear a grunt from behind me

“Thingy?” Gunner asks with a surprised look

“Well, what do you want me to call it?” at my question I have the impression that Gunner is about to choke. His cheeks darken with colour, and I see a muscle ticking on his neck.

“I think life at the club has just got a whole lot more interesting.” A man says from behind me, “I might even wright a song about this.” Gunner raises his eyes from where he was glaring at me and glares over my shoulder at whoever said that.

“Enough” the roar has me jumping in fright, I glance back to see King glaring at me. “Enough,” he says again but more quietly. “Gunner, take your mate and go and sort out all your issues. I do not want any more drama in this club.” I huff at his words and the fact that he is looking directly at me. I was so excited about tonight and now it’s all ruined.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be leaving now!” I state angrily as I start making my way through the crowd towards the main door.

“Oh, for fucks sake,” I hear Gunner growl from behind me and then I am gasping in surprise as I am lifted off my feet.

“What do you think you are doing?” I scream as I start to wiggle trying to get free.

“Stop it woman, or I swear I will drop you on your head right here.” Gunner promises in a low voice that tells me that he is beyond patience. Huffing I quieten down for now, but the minute he puts me down I will give him a piece of my mind. I hear laughter from the men, which has my cheeks brighten with colour in embarrassment.

I feel the cold air on my body as Gunner walks outside, is he taking me home? I can just imagine the anger Dad and Mom will bestow upon me if I arrive home before I’m supposed to. They will forever remind me that I have embarrassed them by not behaving like a proper lady, and no doubt Gunner will find pleasure in telling them everything.

The thought of going home saddens me as I don’t want to leave here yet the thought of not seeing Gunner again even though he angers me has my anger quickly dispersing and sadness filling ever corner of my being. We must have walked for about ten minutes when he finally stops and places me on my feet before stepping back. Looking around I see that he has brought me out to the forest, the quiet around us feeling more intense as all I can hear is Gunner’s angry breathing and my heart beating in my ears.

“Why did you bring me here, are you going to hit me?” my question has his angry expression tighten as he glares at me.

“I brought you here so that I can talk, and you will listen.” His statement has me huffing as I raise my chin at him. Does he really think that I’m just going to follow his instruction because he says so.

“Why would I do anything you say?” I mutter as I look around. The deep growl has my eyes snapping around back to Gunner only to squeak in surprise as he takes the short steps needed to reach me. His hands snap out to grab my upper arms and he is pulling me tight into his arms.

“Wh…” he stops my tirade when he lowers his head, and his lips take mine in a blistering kiss. At first, I’m too surprised to do anything, but then the feel of his warm body against mine, the warmth of his kiss igniting a passion within me that I never knew I had. A ferocious hunger for his touch overwhelms me, a desperate need to be with him fills every thought in my mind.

I know that I should be fighting him, that I shouldn’t let him do this when he clearly doesn’t want me as his mate. The thought of pushing him away is discarded as the kiss deepens, as his hands start to stroke up my back to grab my hair, pulling my head slightly back.
