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He saw me! I know that now that Gunner has eyes on me, he won’t let me be taken again, but I feel like I will only feel safe if I’m in his arms again. I don’t even know if my feet are touching the ground as I continue racing forward. Gunner stops his Harley, getting off he races towards me. Seeing him close after everything I have just gone through, I just want to curl up and cry until all the fear and dread that I contained while being caught leaves me.

I hear Gunner shout something and then the other biker is turning around and leaving. I want to scream and tell him not to go, tell him that there is a madman out there that might still be around and will try to hurt us. After all there is safety in numbers, but instead I focus on Gunner and when I am but a few feet away from him I launch myself against his body. I can feel my body trembling as his arms wrap around me pulling me tight against him.

I want to cry out in pain, but instead I berate him “what took you so long?” I hear him grunt, but instead of replying he pulls me closer. I want to close my eyes and forget about everything that happened but the pain shooting throughout my body disabuses me of that notion.

“Can we go home now?” my question has him loosening his hold slightly and leaning back to look down at me. A glare adorning his features as he looks down at me.

“You are crying.” He says in a gruff tone, his eyes moving down over my body.

“No, I’m not.” I contradict and see him shaking his head.

“Are you hurt?” he asks as he raises his hand to wipe a tear off my cheek. I contemplate lying and telling him that I am fine, but as the shock starts to wear off the pain is intensifying.

“A little,” I reply taking a step back, but I notice that Gunner follows me not letting me get away from him.

“Where?” he asks looking concerned.

“All over,” I reply as at the moment I don’t know where exactly hurts the most, it feels like my body has gone through the grinder and is slowly being processed.

“Where Dawn?” he insists placing his finger under my chin to raise my face to his gaze.

“I hit my elbow, and now my arm feels like its broken. My head aches and it’s difficult to breath without wincing.” I mutter breathlessly knowing that I might have a few bruised ribs and my headache will most probably become a full-blown migraine thanks to Gunner for leaving me behind in that cottage.

“Why did you leave me behind?” I ask

“I didn’t think he would go back to get you.” He mutters in an angry tone, his statement has me frowning. He doesn’t know that I left the cottage to go after him, I know that he will be angry but it’s his fault for leaving me alone.

“He didn’t,” my words have his eyebrows meeting as his scowl intensifies.

“What do you mean?” he asks as he suddenly leans forward, his left arm slots under my legs and the other cradles my back as he pulls me up into his arms against his chest.

“I went looking for you,” I whisper, I know that he heard me as his body stiffens but he doesn’t say anything else as he carries me towards his Harley. He sits me on the seat of the bike, stepping back he pulls out his phone.

“I need a car,” he says to whoever he called, I see him nod and then he is explaining the way before he disconnects the call. The other rider that turned and left is now returning, the drone of his bike nearing. When he is but a few feet away I realize that its Frost, the one that made me believe that he was King.

“She, okay?” Frost asks from where he’s sitting on his bike looking at me.

“She can talk,” I mutter seeing his brow rise.

“Her arm and her ribs are hurt from what she explained. I have called for a car as the bike would jolt her.” Gunner explains stepping closer to me again. “Did you see who it was?” Gunner’s question has Frost shaking his head.

“By the time I got up there he was gone, I looked around but there was no evidence of him.” Frost explains, there is anger in his tone but looking at his features he seems calm and collected.

“Motherfucker,” Gunner growls, my eyes snap away from Frost onto Gunner only to find his features pulled tight as his body vibrates with anger. There is no doubt that if Gunner had to find the man that did this to me and knocked him out, he would kill him. His eyes are intense with rage, his hands fisted as punches one into the air.

“Did you see the man that took you?” Frost question has me turning to look at him again.

I wish I could give them an account of the mans every feature, but I didn’t see him. By the time I was over his shoulder it was too late. Shaking my head, I hug my arms around myself again, feeling like I’m going to disappoint them. “I didn’t see anything, except a tattoo on his arm as he held me down over his shoulder.” My revelation has Gunner growling, no doubt at the fact that I can’t give them anything that will help them catch the man.

“Did you see his hair?” at Frosts question I frown; did I see his hair? Closing my eyes, I try to go back to every second from when I was captured, from the very moment I was caught until Gunner found me.

“Brown,” I state, snapping my eyes open I nod, “Yes, it was a dark brown.” When he threw me into the van before he closed the door, I remember seeing his hair. I couldn’t see his features as he was already turned, but his build was big, very big.

“He is very big,” I murmur biting my bottom lip as I think of the man.

“Like us?” Frost asks pointing at himself and then Gunner.

“No, he is fatter.” I reveal, Frost and Gunner are tall and muscular but there is no fat on their bodies. “He might be as tall as you, but he is definitely fatter.”
