Page 13 of Part-Time Daddy

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“I understand. I agree a bit of playtime and a chance to indulge in your little side might make you feel relaxed enough to get real rest instead of a few hours of fitful sleep.”

His head bobs rapidly. “That sounds perfect.”

I grin at him. “What kind of little boy are you, Tanner?”

Looking at his stuffie, Tanner runs his fingers through the spiky fur. He shrugs both shoulders. “It’s hard to put into words. I haven’t been able to fully regress in a long time.”

“Because of your work?” I prod gently.

“Yes and no.” He takes a deep breath. “I’ve tried to find a few hours here and there to let my little side out, but when I’m on my own, I still tend to hold on to my adult thoughts. It’s not easy slipping away into my regression when I still have to be the one to get my sippy cup or change the TV channel. Even here at The Garden, I’m on my own and have a few adult thoughts hanging around.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s see if we can give you a few hours without those pesky adult thoughts, hmm?” It’s my role to be the Daddy he needs for the night.

“I’d like that.

“I’d be happy to guide you through a night of play as your Daddy. Before I do, can we talk about some things you do and don’t like as a little? I need to know your limits, and we need a safeword.”

“My safeword is Lestat,” Tanner chirps immediately.

“Interview with a Vampire,huh? You weren’t kidding about your love of the fanged demons.”

Tanner grins. “Not many people know that reference.”

“Anyone old enough to have watched that movie in the nineties should get it. I mean, come on, who can forget Brad Pitt?” Arty coughs from the side, his laughter not quite muffled in the choking noise. “Arty may be in denial, but we know better.”

Tanner lets out a short giggle when I wink at him. “Safeword is Lestat, and while we are here at The Garden, the house safeword also applies. No matter the reason, you are encouraged to use your safeword if you need to, and I will never be upset with you for it. If you safeword, everything stops, and we will talk about how we’re feeling and what we can do to prevent us from reaching your limits.”

“Okay,” Tanner says. “You asked about my little side and limits?”

“I did. I need to know, as your Daddy, what is permissible while you are in a vulnerable state.”

“Right, right. Okay.” Tanner pauses, chewing on his bottom lip for a long minute. I lean back on my hands, waiting patiently as he works through his thoughts. After a few more heartbeats, he blows a breath into a raspberry. “I’m sorry. It’s hard to answer you. I know some things I like, but I feel like it’ll be different knowing I have someone looking after me.”

This poor boy is mutilating my heart. How long has he been floundering for his little space without someone to take care of him?Too longif he can barely verbalize what he does and doesn’t like with a partner. An idea hits me, a game I used to play with a college buddy when we couldn’t decide where to go for the night.

“That’s fair. I have an idea to help us find the aspects of your little side,” I say, leaning forward to prop my elbows on my knees. “Wanna try?”

“Sure,” he says with a shrug.

“What are your hard limits?”

“Bondage, scat, medical play, and sharing.”

“Good job.” He preens under the quick praise. “What are your two favorite toys to play with when you’re little?”

“Figurines for imaginative play and coloring books.”

“Perfect.” I grin at him. “Bottle or sippy cup?”

“Sippy cup,” he says, smiling as he catches on to my game. “My regression age is around five or six.”

“Any food allergies or major dislikes?”

“No allergies, but I don’t like peanut butter.” I chuckle when his lips curl around the word.

“Diapers, training pants, or are you a big boy?”

“Um…I’m potty trained. I have special undies for my little space, but I’ve never liked diapers. Is…is that okay?”
