Page 72 of Brone

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Hopping off the bed, I threw open the doors and saw the Service Model standing in his usual corner. I tried to get him to sit on the couch, but he had refused.

His blue eyes narrowed. “Do you require my assistance?”

“I do. Join me in the bedroom.”

The corner of his mouth twitched, and I suddenly realized how that had sounded. I had no idea if Roman had used him in that way or if anyone else had, but the contents of my fancy dinner threatened to make a reappearance at the very thought.

He made his way to the bedroom and positioned himself near the huge bed. “Would you like me to service you?” He went to lower himself to his knees and my hand shot out, stopping him.

“No.” Both of our eyes locked onto the spot on his arm where I was touching him. It was the first time I had touched him since I had grabbed his hand that day in the hallway. I knew his programming had him craving touch. Just like I knew the only touch he had every gotten was mostly likely cruel and painful.

I let go of his arm and wrapped my arms around his frame, hugging him.

“What are you doing?” he whispered so softly I barely heard it.

“I am hugging you.”


“Because I don’t think anyone ever has.” I hugged his frame a bit tighter, doing my best to ignore the fact he was still very naked. He had panicked when I had offered to try and get him some clothes, so I had let the matter drop. In this moment, all I wanted to do was offer him a touch that was gentle and kind instead of hurtful. There was no attraction. The only naked cyborg I wanted pressed against me for fun times was Brone.

“Because I think you need it.” His frame stiffened in my hold before he relaxed, wrapping his arms around me in return. We stood there as I let him soak up every drop he needed, a small smile spreading across my face.

I pulled back and for moment, he hesitated, his hold tightening before he let go. His searched my face, his brow furrowed, his eyes wide.

“Come sit on the bed with me.” I looked into his eyes. “We are simply going to talk, nothing else, okay?”

He nodded, his frame dropping down onto the edge of the bed. I joined him, putting a little bit of space between us, not wanting him to feel boxed in.

I turned to him and offered him a smile. “You know, I happen to know of another Service Model named Dash. He is very sweet and always smiles at me, even when others at the rebellion weren’t so happy with me. I miss him.”

The Service Model cocked his head. “Was it yours?”

“He, not it, and no. The cyborgs at the rebellion belong to no one. They are free to make their own choices, to decide what they want to do with their life without human interference.”

His brow creased. “So, there are no humans at the rebellion except for you?”

“There are a few more. All females. All with cyborgs of their own.”

His eyes narrowed. “I thought you said no one owns them.”

“It’s not like how you are thinking. They don’t ‘own’ them like property. I meant own as in they are paired up together. They are in a relationship with one another, a relationship that is equal. Either one would do anything for the other. They are in love.”

“There are humans who love cyborgs?”

I grinned, hopefull that maybe I had begun to get through to the Service Model. “Yep. And I am one of them.”

His blue eyes went as wide as saucers. “You love a cyborg?”

“I do. His name is Brone. He was the Tank Class I yelled at you about when I first woke up. I was worried that he had been taken, too. I couldn’t take the thought that he was being hurt. If you would have told me he was here, I would have fought you to get to him.”

His mouth tipped into a frown. “But you would have lost. I am a cyborg with superior strength. What good is fighting when you know you will lose?”

“Some things are worth fighting for.” Tears welled up. “Brone is one of them.” I scooted a bit closer and carefully laid my hand on top of his. “You are, too. I am going to get the hell out of here and when I do, I want you to come with me.”

Fear filled his eyes. “But the m-m-master. He won’t let me go.”

“Then we will find a way to make him. You aren’t less because you are a cyborg. You weren’t created to be used and abused. You have as much right as I do to live free, happy, and safe. You deserve to be cared for. There is a whole group of people out there-cyborgs and humans-who would welcome you with open arms.”

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