Page 18 of Daddy Says

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“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No, you just surprised me,” she said, sure her face was as red as her butt, but suddenly positive that she could not suggest he climb in beside her.

He smiled and looked around her room. “Which stuffy would you like?”

“Oh, um, I really don’t sleep with those,” Jane said, a bit mortified that she hadn’t even considered that he might be in her bedroom one day. She was pretty sure that grown women did not normally keep, much less display, an entire shelf of beloved stuffies from their childhood.

“No? That seems like a shame,” he said, turning his eyes back to her.

Jane busied herself yanking back the quilt and sheet on the bed, hopping in and biting back the moan that threatened to escape as her bottom took her full weight. Sawyer came to the side and sat down on the edge of the bed, tucking the covers around her. Leaning down, he kissed the tip of her nose.

“Are we going to have sex?” The moment she realized she’d just blurted that out, she almost died of embarrassment.

He sat back and shook his head. “No—”

Of course they weren’t. He wasn’t just a dom, he was a daddy dom. “Never mind; it was a stupid question. I mean, it’s clear you want a daddy/little relationship. Just forget I asked. You-you can go now.”

“No,” he repeated, smiling down at her. “I most certainly will not go. Not until we get a few things straight. You worried yourself sick for a week thinking that I’d have you in diapers and drinking out of a bottle instead of just asking, so, honey, know that there are no stupid questions.” As he spoke, he kicked off his shoes and pulled away the covers he’d just tucked in. “Scooch over.” He moved to sit with his back against the headboard, and when he reached for her, she didn’t hesitate to climb onto his lap. “All right, baby girl, let’s talk.”
