Page 23 of Her Lord's Birch

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Lucy saw the professor look between the two of them, and knew that their faces showed evidence that tears had been shed. The man said nothing, too polite to presume to interfere with family matters.

Edward turned his attention to her. “Come, Lucille. You may use the dining table for your lessons. You’ll study until luncheon, after which you shall take a small quiz to see if you have been paying attention. I believe you understand what will happen if you fail to demonstrate your seriousness in your studies?”

Lucy’s face flamed, but she forced herself to nod, and then whisper, “Ye… yes, sir.” Edward was evidently satisfied he’d made his point, and allowed his ward to slip past him and guide Professor Lloyds back to the dining room. She was mortified, but had no idea of what to do other than try to ignore the entire conversation. As her professor reached the table and pulled out a chair for her, she flung herself into it, only to jump to her feet, both hands reaching back to cup her injured bottom. Charles walked to the parlor and returned with a large pillow. He placed it on her chair and motioned for her to take her seat. His kindness almost brought her to tears, and reminded her of his compassion the day before. She sank carefully onto the pillow and accepted the handkerchief he handed to her.

“Dry your eyes, Miss Furniss. Take a moment to compose yourself and then we shall begin.” Lucy knew it would take far more than a mere moment to pull herself together, but gratefully accepted the offer. He allowed her several minutes as he opened his valise and organized several papers on the table. He laid a fresh piece of paper down and placed a pencil on top. He finally sat next to her and said quietly, “Do you feel able to begin?” She nodded and he gave her a smile. “Very well, let’s go over what we studied yesterday, and then we shall move on to discuss fractions.” She nodded again, and dutifully began to write down problems he dictated to her.

Two hours passed before they were interrupted. Mrs. Bremmer entered the room with a tray containing a fresh pot of tea, a single cup and saucer and a large glass of milk. She placed the tray on the table and was prepared to pour the tea when her eyes dropped to the pillow beneath Lucy’s bottom. The pot was placed back onto the tray.

“Lucille, stand up immediately!” Lucy jerked at the command but immediately leapt to her feet. Charles looked up, obviously startled at both the terse order as well as the sudden change in position of his pupil. He watched as the housekeeper pointed to Lucy’s chair.

“What is that, young lady?” Lucy followed the finger and saw the thick pillow slightly squished from where her bottom had compressed it.

“A-a pillow?” she answered hesitantly as if unsure that was the proper answer.

Placing her hands on stout hips, Mrs. Bremmer scowled. “Are you being impertinent with me, miss? I know it is a pillow, Lucille! The question is what is a pillow doing on your chair?”

Lucy’s face flamed, and she found she could not raise her eyes—too terrified of both the housekeeper and what she would find on her professor’s face.

“Answer me immediately, young lady or do I need to fetch your guardian so that you might explain your naughtiness to him? I’d think that after your birching last evening you wouldn’t be so quick to flaunt his rules, but perhaps you need to have your bottom reddened again?”

Lucy moaned, and her body swayed with mortification. She saw Mrs. Bremmer begin to turn toward the library and she practically begged, “No… oh, please, ma’am, please don’t tell him. I-I didn’t think. I didn’t mean to be naughty. Please, I’m so sorry. I’ll remove the pillow and sit on my chair. I promise I wasn’t being naughty.”

Mrs. Bremmer turned to face her. “Oh, believe me, missy. You were being naughty. You know better than to seek comfort when you’ve been punished. Lord Wintercrest does not take the time to blister your bottom if he doesn’t intend for you to feel the effect for several days.”

“Now see here, Mrs. Bremmer, is it? Can’t you see you are deliberately frightening Miss Furniss? I don’t like your tone, or your desire to frighten her. How can we expect Miss Furniss to remember her lessons if she is shaking so hard she can barely stand?” Charles had stood and was about to continue when another voice rang in the room.

“While that is a good question, I believe I engaged you to tutor Miss Furniss, and not to interfere in the rules of my household. It is my responsibility to provide for my ward as well as my duty to discipline her. Mrs. Bremmer is correct in that Lucille knows better than to sit on a pillow after she has been punished, unless she is given permission by me. Isn’t that correct, Lucille?”

Lucy’s face felt so hot she was sure it rivaled the burn of her punished bottom the night before. She swallowed hard but had to answer. “Yes, but I didn’t realize that your ban of pillows still applied as I’ve not been punished today. I thought it would be all right.”

“You thought incorrectly. The passage of time has nothing to do with it. You’ll do well to remember that every rule I give you applies until I tell you explicitly that one no longer applies. You will simply have to adjust your thoughts and accept the fact that a naughty bottom gets punished and stings and burns for hours or days. That is the intended purpose of a good spanking, and sitting should be uncomfortable.”

Charles’ face flushed as he turned to Edward. “I understand your point, Lord Wintercrest; however, if there is any blame to be placed here, I assure you it is mine. I placed the pillow on the chair and insisted Miss Furniss seat herself. Mathematics is a difficult subject and having her squirm on a… well, squirm about would do nothing but distract her from her lessons. I believe it is your intention for your ward to pass her exam on Monday, is it not?”

Edward appeared as taken aback at the man’s daring to question him as Lucy was herself. Her professor was proving not to be quite the quiet, meek man she’d always assumed him to be. She turned her gaze to her guardian who was nodding.

“It is. I appreciate your concern for my ward; however, I must insist that since Lucille has more lessons to learn than simply mathematics, she shall do her lessons seated, as I desire. I am sure that knowing the consequences of failure will not only ensure that she remain seated quietly, but also prompt her to concentrate fully.”

Charles evidently knew when he was being given a chance to save face and he took it. “Certainly, Lord Wintercrest. I apologize for my actions.” He reached down, removed the pillow, and handed it to the huffing housekeeper.

She accepted it, and immediately thrust it at Lucille. “Put this back where it belongs, and return to your seat immediately.”

Lucy accepted the pillow, and barely managing not to bury her face into its thickness, hurried into the parlor and placed it back on the settee. She had no wish to return to the dining room, but knew she had no other choice. She dared look at no one, sliding as gently into her chair as she could. She heard Mrs. Bremmer grunt, and then pour the tea. She practically thrust the cup at Charles and then handed the glass of milk to Lucille. They both accepted them with quiet thanks.

Lucy had no doubt that the housekeeper was disappointed that Lucille wasn’t immediately turned bottoms up and her drawers drawn down. She continued to take small sips of her milk until the woman gave a final huff and stomped from the room. Lucy was a bit surprised to see Edward’s lips twitch before he realized her gaze was on him.

“I suggest you study hard, Lucille.” With her nod, he too left the room.

Chapter 18

Edward knew he would learn soon enough exactly how well Lucille was able to concentrate after her first quiz of the afternoon. Meanwhile, he returned to his study, and saw his wife quietly sitting and working on her embroidery. He moved to sit beside her and surprised her by picking her up and settling her on his lap. She blushed as he took her sewing from her and set it aside. Louisa didn’t question his actions, her lips curling up into the sweetest smile he thought he’d ever seen. He cradled her to him, and then pressed his lips to the top of her head.

“How are you feeling, little lady?” he asked as his hand rubbing down her back several times before settling on her hip.

She blushed sweetly. “I’m fine, sir. How are you?”

He chuckled. “I too am well,” he said, continuing to stroke her as he relaxed on the settee. This was what he loved. The simple act of holding his little child-wife on his lap as she practically purred with his caresses. He kissed her blonde hair again, and when she lifted her face to his, he moved his mouth to cover hers. The kiss began gently, softly, but she surged up to meet his lips as he moved one hand to cup and then squeeze her bottom. He loved her moans as his hand reignited the throbbing in her backside, but she remained still and returned his kiss with ardor. Edward had taken his pleasure only hours before, but felt his cock stir in his pants. He knew his wife was aware of that fact as well, as she squirmed a bit on his lap. He lowered his lips to her ear and whispered, “I know what I’d find if I put my fingers between your legs, young lady.”
