Page 19 of Her Lord's Desire

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“Don’t forget, I’ve known you since you were in short pants, Lucas Huntington. I just pray that you come to your senses soon.” Lucas laughed, and after bending to kiss her cheek again, he bowed to her as well.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a smile. “I’m sure Edward won’t hesitate to remind me of my duties.”

Anna shook her head even as the man darted a glance toward Lucy, letting her know that he was aware she was listening. Remembering what had happened the last time she’d been caught eavesdropping, Lucy quickened her steps.

“Dinner will be ready soon so don’t be late,” Anna said before adding, her tone changing to one of great affection, “I’ll inform Cook to make your favorite pudding for dessert. After, all, it isn’t often that my second-favorite young man manages to get home to visit.”

“I can’t wait,” Lucas said as Lucy finally crossed the threshold and turned with Molly toward the stairs at the end of the hallway.

Chapter 8

Lucy walked slowly downstairs. She had changed into another dress and was holding the torn one in her arms. Expecting everyone to be seated for dinner, she was surprised to see that the dining room was empty. Hearing voices, she turned and walked toward the library. She stepped into the room with the intention of placing her dress in her sewing basket. Before she took another step, she froze. Professor Lloyds was standing at the fireplace opposite her, in conversation with Lord Huntington. She must have made some sound because his head turned and his gaze found hers. She felt her face heat, remembering the last time she had seen him. Lucas followed the direction of Lloyds’ gaze and saw her frozen in mid-step.

“Ah, there’s the little kitten,” Lucas said. Lucy’s eyes moved to his and her color heightened.

Louisa, standing by her husband, swiveled her head between her sister and the two men before giving a small smile. Edward, seeing that his ward had not moved into the room, beckoned to her.

“Come, Lucy, I’d like you to meet my guest,” Edward said. Her guardian’s voice broke the spell and Lucy moved her gaze to him. She walked over to him and Louisa and only then realized that a beautiful woman was standing on the other side of him. Edward reached out and took her arm, pulling her closer.

“Lucille, may I present Miss Eleanor Summers,” Edward said. “Miss Summers is a dear friend of mine,” he added.

Lucy gave the woman an awkward curtsy, as one arm was holding her dress and Edward hadn’t yet released her other.

Eleanor smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lucille. Your guardian speaks highly of you and I can see why,” she said. “You didn’t exaggerate, Edward. You are a very lucky man. Your wife and ward are not only exact mirror images of the other, they are both have a beauty that their innocence only enhances.”

Lucy turned to see her twin’s face heating, exactly as she felt her own was doing. “You’re very kind, Miss Summers,” Louisa said when Lucy could think of absolutely nothing to say. She felt as if her head had been spinning since she’d been plucked off the ladder.

Eleanor laughed. “I’m not sure I can claim that kindness is my greatest asset as I value obedience and honesty far more, but thank you, Louisa.”

* * *

As the woman spoke,Charles excused himself and Lucas watched as the man moved toward the others. Leaning against the mantel he smiled, content to watch the action unfold.

“Good evening, Miss Furniss,” Charles said quietly. “I trust you are well?”

Lucas noticed that while Lucy seemed grateful for the interruption it took her a moment before she nodded and another before remembering her manners.

“I’m fine, thank you, Professor Lloyds,” she said.

Lucas might appear casual but his every sense was evaluating the scene as he gazed at those gathered around Edward. It was obvious that while the professor was infatuated with Edward’s ward, she wasn’t quite as taken with him. Eleanor was no stranger to Lucas as he had visited her establishment many times before he left the country. He had learned quite a bit under her guidance and fondly remembered more than a few of her students. His eyes raked up and down Lucy’s form before doing the same to Louisa’s. He had been correct about their size, both were very petite, and though they were dressed differently, he’d agree with Eleanor. The two were exact replicas of each other. He saw Louisa looking at him and then at the professor, before looking at her twin with a smile. Lucas grinned as well. The woman might be dressed as someone far younger would be, but he had no doubt that Edward’s wife was as astute as she was beautiful. He found he couldn’t wait to speak with his old friend in private and discover all that had happened in his absence. Meanwhile, he would be quiet and simply observe.

A servant appeared in the doorway and announced that dinner was served. Charles stepped forward and offered his arm to Lucy. She glanced at Edward and saw him nod. She took the offered arm and then had to release it when she realized she was still clutching her mending.

“Allow me,” Lucas said stepping forward and plucking the dress from her hand. Lucy’s mouth dropped open and she flushed at his action. “I feel responsible, after all, it is I who caused your dress to tear.”

Charles gasped and looked between the two. “What does he mean, Miss Furniss? He ripped your dress?’ Charles asked, and actually took a step toward the much larger man.

Edward chuckled. “It was an accident, Charles,” Edward said. “There is no need to call Lucas out for it. He was simply keeping Lucille from taking a tumble from the library ladder. Come, Mrs. Bremmer will not be happy if we spoil all her efforts by being late to the table.”

Charles tucked Lucy’s hand firmly into the crook of his arm and nodded. Lucas grinned, and after dropping the ripped garment into what appeared to him to be a sewing basket, turned and offered his arm to Eleanor who had allowed the others to precede her from the room.

“Shall we?” he asked.

She looked up at him with a knowing smile. “Do I sense the little one has already captured your attention, Lucas?” Eleanor asked quietly.

“How can anyone’s interest not be piqued, Eleanor? How often have you seen identical beauties under one roof?” Lucas said, and then chuckled. “Although one seems to be a lamb and the other a lioness.”

Eleanor’s eyebrow quirked at his words. Lucas might have appeared to be just teasing, but Eleanor was very experienced with men and their interests. She smiled and squeezed his arm.
